Maria Pippidis, Extension Educator Family & Consumer Sciences,; Jesse Ketterman, Family and Consumer Sciences Educator, University of Maryland, and Sarah Bercaw, Extension Agent Family & Consumer Sciences,
It is a stressful time for many of us whether we are farmers, family members or those who support farms and their families. The stress has been extraordinary – so much uncertainty and juggling home life, farm life and trying to meet demands from our communities. University of Delaware and University of Maryland Cooperative Extensions have teamed up to offer Communicating with Farmers Under Stress.
This program is designed for those who work with or support farming operations or family members who are concerned about loved ones. No matter how you interact with farming audiences, this program will be for you. In this session we’ll focus on signs of stressors, how to communicate with farm audiences and lastly, how to recognize and respond when you suspect a farmer or farm family member might need help. This program is free and will be held on June 4 from 10am-12pm. You can register here.
Learning how to talk to people about their stressors can help you as well as those around you. We are all in this together and together we can improve our outcomes in the future.