Thursday, August 27, 2009 5:30 p.m.
Carvel Research and Education Center
16483 County Seat Hwy., Georgetown, DE
(meet at the grove)
All vegetable growers, field personnel, and vegetable crop advisors are invited to attend a twilight meeting dedicated to soil health and vegetable crops. With tighter rotations, soil health is major concern with vegetable production. This twilight meeting will focus on incorporating soil health management into an IPM program for vegetables.
You will see several demonstration plots including:
● Comparisons of compost types and rates in plasticulture vegetable production and effects of compost on soil health.
● Comparisons of several sorghum species as summer green manure crops and biofumigants for impacts on soil health and vegetable crop production.
● Evaluation of mustard family species as cover crops and biofumigants for impacts on soil health.
● Evaluation of multiple plantings of cover crops with biofumigant properties on soil health.
Participants will also do some hands-on soil health assessments.
UD specialists, agents, and associates will be on hand to talk about past and current research in relation to soil health and vegetable crop production as well as best practices to incorporate to maintain soil health on vegetable farms.
Please call (302) 730-4000 to let us know if you will be attending or email