PDF version of Volume 27, Issue 20 –August 9, 2019
WCU Subscription Options for 2019: Mail, Fax, Email or Text
Vegetable Crops
Vegetable Crop Insect Scouting
Cover Crops Provide Important Services for Vegetable Growers
Fruit Crops
When to Plant Plasticulture Strawberries, New Varieties to Trial
Agronomic Crops
Agronomic Crop Insect Scouting
Irrigation Management
Guess the Pest! Week 17 Answer: Stink Bug
Guess the Pest! Week 18
Job Opportunities with UD Extension Nutrient Management Program
Pesticide Container Recycling for DE and MD
Field Tour of Carvel Crops Research – Aug 14, Georgetown UPDATED
Ag Horizons Conference – Aug 15, Georgetown
Open House at UD’s Genaurdi Food Innovation Lab
Upcoming MidAtlantic Women in Ag Events
Cut Flowers 2: Advanced Annuals, Post-Harvest Handling & Season Extension – Sep 28, Whaleyville, MD