Guess the Pest! Week 11 Answer: Squash Bug Eggs

David Owens, Extension Entomologist,

Congratulations to Rachel Yocum for correctly answering last week’s Guess The Pest challenge. Everyone else who submitted correct answers will be entered in the end of the year raffle.

Squash bugs have been active for a few weeks now and can be irritating insects to deal with in summer and winter squashes. There are a couple of species of squash bug (Anasa) that can be found in other cucurbits such as watermelon, but are generally not a significant issue. Anasa tristis, however, can cause heavy damage to summer and winter squashes. When they feed, they inject a phytotoxic saliva into the plant, causing a yellowing patch that turns necrotic. Both nymphs and adults stay under leaves, under fruits, and will hide at the base of the plant, leaf litter, or in the planting holes. Treatment is recommended if more than 1 egg mass per plant is present. If treating for squash bug, target nymphs (this may involve either waiting for first eggs to hatch or going out with two sprays). Coverage to the base of plants and underneath of leaves is critical. Pyrethroids, neonics, Sevin, and Sivanto are labeled for squash bug control.

Squash bug nymphs

Squash bug leaf damage.