Potato Disease Advisory #19 – July 16, 2009

Bob Mulrooney, Extension Plant Pathologist; bobmul@udel.edu

Disease Severity Value (DSV) Accumulation as of July 15, 2009 is as follows:
Location: Shadybrook Farms, Little Creek, DE in Kent County.
Greenrow: May 1

Date Daily DSV Total DSV Spray Recs Accumulated P-days*
6/24 1 112 7-day interval 470
6/25-6/28 0 112 10-day interval 495
6/29 0 112 10-day interval 503
6/30 0 112 10-day interval 511
7/1 2 114 10-day interval 519
7/2 1 115 10-day interval 528
7/3-7/5 0 115 10-day interval 555
7/6-7/8 0 115 10-day interval 581
7/9-7/12 0 115 10-day interval 616
7/13-7/15 0 115 10-day interval 641

There have been no new late blight reports on potato or tomato from DE since last week. The recent clear days and low humidity are not favorable for new infections. Be sure to keep scouting, especially in those areas where fungicide coverage might not be the best or next to woods lines and places where the dew lingers in the morning, low areas, etc. The weather now is not very favorable for late blight, but continue with preventative fungicides if crop development requires more growing time.