Alyssa Koehler, Extension Field Crops Pathologist;
The Fungicide Efficacy for Control of Wheat Diseases Table developed by the North Central Regional Committee on Management of Small Grain Diseases has been updated for 2019 and can be used as a tool when making fungicide decisions. The table is at the end of this issue of WCU. A pdf version of the table is online at
Most barley is heading out and wheat is getting close. There is quite a bit of rain in the forecast, which puts us at higher risk for FHB. Continue to scout and utilize the Fusarium Head Blight Prediction Center as we approach flowering. Recommended timing of fungicides applied for FHB management is at Feekes 10.5.1. You want to look for flowers at the center of the head to identify 10.5.1. and there is a 5-6 day window for optimal application.