Risk Management Workshop – Crop Insurance

February 28, 2019     8:30 a.m.–Noon
University of Delaware Paradee Center
69 Transportation Circle, Dover, DE

The 2018 crop year was one of notable volatility for ag community. Throughout the year, market prices fell while input costs rose, disrupting cash flow for farmers.

On the Delmarva Peninsula, wet weather in the spring gave way to patches of drought in the summer, leading into more wet weather come harvest time.

For friends, family, and business partners across the country, natural disasters swept through, flooded, and literally burned precious farmland. And yet, for farmers, it was nothing they had not seen before.

The beginning of the year is the perfect time to review your operation’s approach to the foreseeable, and unforeseeable, risks coming in the growing season. Was your risk management strategy strong enough to protect your operation in 2018? Will it be enough for 2019? Deadlines for crop insur­ance policies are coming up (January 31 for potatoes in Delaware, February 15 for green peas, March 15 for all other spring planted crops), should you change your policy? Get more coverage? Go for Whole Farm Revenue Protection (WFRP) to provide a safety net for your entire operation?

This informative workshop, featuring Don Clifton of Farmers First Services, will focus on the actual risks facing the farmers in the upcoming crop year and how best to plan for them. Topics included, but not limited to, the following:

Tailoring Your Crop Yield/Revenue Insurance to Your Actual Risk Exposure

Why Irrigated Producers Still Buy Revenue Protection

Using a Combination of Insurance Tools to Enhance Coverage

Registration for the event is not required, but strongly recommended. To register, please email LGW@udel.edu, decrophelp@gmail.com or call 302-242-8806.