October 16, 23, 30, and November 5, 13, 27
5:00pm to 8:00pm
Carvel Research and Education Center
16483 County Seat Highway
Georgetown, DE 19947
REGISTER BY OCTOBER 3RD AT https://commercial-poultry.eventbrite.com
Course Fee: $75.00 per person which includes dinner and all course materials.
There is an additional $100.00 fee for FSA Borrower Training attendees.
Annie’s project is designed to empower women in agriculture to manage information and learn about agriculture in a relaxed local network. The target audience is women with a passion for agriculture.
Project Topics cover the five areas of Risk Management: Production, Market, Financial, Legal Risk, and Human Resources. This workshop will incorporate the values of Annie’s Project and focus them to those who are interested in expanding their knowledge of managing commercial poultry production.
Delaware Nutrient Management Continuing Educational Credits offered for some sessions.
For registration information contact Jenny Rhodes jrhodes@umd.edu 410-758-0166 or Tracy Wootten 302.856.7303 ext. 538, wootten@udel.edu or go to https://commercial-poultry.eventbrite.com