Tankmixing Reflex (fomesafen) with Glyphosate (reprinted)

Mark VanGessel, Extension Weed Specialist; mjv@udel.edu

There have been many situations where both fomesafen (active ingredient in Reflex) and glyphosate will complement each other for weed control. Syngenta has a premix of fomesafen plus glyphosate called Flexstar GT. Also, Reflex and glyphosate can be tankmixed, but there have been some situations of these two products may not mix well. The following is an article from Ken Smith from University of Arkansas entitled “Problem Solving Incompatible Tankmixes of Glyphosate and Reflex®”

Some growers have experienced cottage cheese spray mixtures when Reflex® and glyphosate were tankmixed in an effort to burn down existing weeds while applying Reflex® prior to cotton or soybean planting.

It seems that the potassium salts of glyphosate (WeatherMax, Touchdown, PowerMax etc.) are not very compatible with Reflex® . . .  Many of the generic glyphosate formulations are isopropyl or diammonium salts (not potassium salts) and will mix fine. A quick check of the label will give the salt used in the formulation. 

If . . . Reflex® and the potassium salt of glyphosate is mixed and found to be incompatible, it can likely be brought back into solution by adding household ammonia. Start with 1% ammonia and begin agitation. More ammonia may be added if needed.