Rainfall and GDD Update Through June 12

Jarrod O. Miller, Extension Agronomist, jarrod@udel.edu

Since the first weekend of corn planting, Delaware has accumulated between 10-20 inches of rainfall. The region around Newark has fared the best with only 10 inches of accumulation, and longer periods without rain. Variable storms cells around the state seem to prefer to pass over Seaford to Georgetown on their way to the beach, creating difficulties in planting as well as sidedressing and other applications. This is a good year to talk to your neighbor to find out their field conditions and figure out if anything they did works.

Growing degree days have continued to accumulate, besides an inflection of cooler weather around June 2. Corn planted on April 22nd is should be getting close to V12 (870 GDD), while anything planted the week of May 20th could be close to V6. Be sure to scout your fields, count leaves, and determine which stage you may be in.

Table 1: Growing degree days accumulated through June 12th from the beginning of each week.

  Sussex Kent New Castle
22-Apr 841 824 764
29-Apr 789 777 730
6-May 681 667 632
13-May 577 561 535
20-May 465 455 441
27-May 307 296 293