Recent Topics on Gordon’s Blog

For Current Agricultural Information from the UD Kent Co. Extension Office Visit

 Recent Topics:

Landscape and Nursery – Crabapple Scab
Cold Weather and Early Transplanted Vegetables
Corn Production Tips
Observations and Notes from the County
Glyphosate Use Decisions in Soybeans
Aphids, Aphids, Aphids
Grain Markets – Corn Fundamentals Remain Strong
Grain Marketing – Recent Supply and Demand Estimates
Dairy and Livestock – Fineness of Corn Grind
Poultry Water Systems – Questions to Ask
Check Your Center Pivot Systems
Pictures of Later Wheat Growth Stages
Wheat Growth Stages – Flag Leaf to Maturity
Seed and Seedling Issues in Beans and Other Legume Vegetables
Cutworm Countdown Starts