Postemergence Spraying in Wheat and Barley

Mark VanGessel, Extension Weed Specialist;

The cool spring has meant winter grains have not progressed as quickly as normal and some fields may not have been sprayed yet. With the forecasted weather, grains will begin growing quickly and there might be a short window before the weeds are too tall or the crop canopy closes and prevents good spray coverage. If you are considering a postemergence spray, 1) be sure weeds are small, 2) the crop has not reached the maximum stage for application, and 3) the replant interval allows a late spray.

Herbicide Maximum Stage Rotation to Soybeans Rotation to Vegetables
Axial XL Pre-boot No restrictions 30 days
Harmony Extra Before flag leaf emergence 7 days 45 days
Huskie Flag Leaf emergence 120 days 9 months
Quelex Flag leaf emergence 90 days 15 months
Starane Ultra Early boot stage 120 days in MD
90 days in DE, VA
4 months
Sentrallas Before flag leaf emergence 120 days
90 days in DE, MD, VA
4 months