Bird Repellent for Corn Seed

David Owens, Extension Entomologist,

Some folks have recently asked about products to discourage birds from feeding on field and sweet corn seed. Avipel (9,10-Antraquinone), manufactured by Arkion Life Sciences LLC has a 24(c) special local needs label for use on corn seed in Delaware. Approved Delaware formulations are dry hopper box treatment and a liquid formulation for treating seed ONLY in commercial seed treatment equipment. It should also be used with a dye and cannot be used for other purposes than planting – standard language for seed treatments. Both registrations expire July 1, 2022. Registration was originally requested because of incidences of severe bird feeding damage in fields east of Route 1. Large flocks of blackbirds can quickly pull up a stand as they migrate north. You might want to consider this if you have had significant bird damage in the past and are seeing large numbers of blackbirds in your field. Should you use Avipel or have it applied to your seed using seed treatment equipment, you MUST have a copy of the 24(c) label in your possession when handling and planting. As always, consult the label for additional application guidance. The labels for Delaware can be found here: Maryland and Virginia ONLY have the hopper box treatment approved, labels can be found here:, and