Welcome David Owens, Our New Extension Entomologist

David Owens, Extension Entomologist, owensd@udel.edu

My name is David Owens and I am the new UD agricultural entomology Extension specialist. I am really excited to be working with you to help manage insect pests here in Delaware and to work with the Extension team at Carvel. I completed my Master’s degree at Virginia Tech while studying stink bug injury to and behavior in soybean fields. Afterwards, I moved to Florida to study insect pest management in sweet corn for my Ph.D. From there, I worked with the USDA studying avocado pests and North Carolina State University studying two spotted spider mite control in fresh market tomatoes. I look forward to working with both field and vegetable crop pest management. In addition to conducting efficacy trials this summer, I plan to be active in fields surveying pest and beneficial insect populations and studying pest behavior. My office is located at the Carvel Center in Georgetown. My email is owensd@udel.edu, and my office number is (302) 856-2585 ext 574. Feel free to call anytime or pop in!