Thursday, August 17, 2017 5:30-7:30 p.m.
University of Delaware
Carvel Research and Education Center and Thurman Adams Research Farm
16483 County Seat Highway
Georgetown, DE
The University of Delaware Vegetable and Small Fruits Extension Program will have an open house on Thursday, August 17, 2017. Dr. Gordon Johnson, Extension Fruit and Vegetable Specialist and Emmalea Ernest, Associate Scientist in the vegetable program will be on-hand to talk about research programs being conducted with vegetables and small fruits.
There will be a walking tour of nearby research plots including tomato and pepper variety trials, watermelon and tomato plant nutrition studies, watermelon variety trials, grafted watermelons, watermelon hollow heart research, lima bean breeding work, specialty lima bean evaluations and more. There will also be tomato and watermelon variety taste tests.
To register email Karen Adams or phone 302-856-7303