Jarrod O. Miller, Extension Educator, Somerset County, MD; jarrod@umd.edu
Farmers are invited to attend the Maryland Commodity Classic on Thursday, July 27, 2017, at Queen Anne’s County 4-H Park. Hosted by the Maryland Grain Producers Association, Maryland Soybean Board, Maryland Grain Producers Utilization Board, and Mid-Atlantic Soybean Association, the annual meeting is the premier event for grain farmers in the region.
“This year’s classic offers farmers a great opportunity to get the latest on farm research and current industry topics, from both the state and national levels,” states Dr. Bob Kratochvil, Maryland Commodity Classic chairperson.
Starting at 9:30 a.m., you can learn first-hand how your grain and soybean checkoff dollars have supported research by hearing four research presentations in the air-conditioned Main Hall. Topics and speakers will be:
2017 Agronomic & Economic Evaluation of Prominent Varieties Recommended by Local Seed Dealers with Maryland State Variety Trials
Dr. Jason Wight, University of Maryland, Trials Coordinator.
Impact of Repeated Use of Neonicotinoid Treated Seed in Grain Crop Rotations on Non-Target Invertebrates & Soil Microbes
Dr. Kelly Hamby, University of Maryland Extension Entomologist.
Determining the Ideal Irrigation Strategy for High Intensity Corn Production
Mr. James Adkins, University of Delaware, Irrigation Specialist.
Evaluation of Nitrogen Rate and Fungicide Use on Wheat Yield and Quality
Dr. Nathan Kleczewski, University of Delaware Crop Pathologist and Dr. Bob Kratochvil, University of Maryland, Extension Agronomist.
After attending the research presentations, stop by the Exhibit Building to see exhibits and informational displays that present the latest innovations in technology, research and equipment.
The afternoon program begins at 1:00 p.m. and will include awarding college scholarships and a National Leaders Panel featuring four national farm organization leaders who call Maryland or Delaware their home. The afternoon program also features keynote speaker, Stephen Neidenbach, who will present “We Love GMOs and Vaccines . . . Biotech for a Brighter Tomorrow.” Neidenbach is a science teacher who combats misinformation and promotes science-based information on agricultural biotechnology.
The Classic will conclude with the famed Crab Feast, Pork and Chicken Barbecue. Event tickets are $10 before 2:30 p.m. and $20 after 2:30 p.m. No entry is permitted after 3:30 p.m. For more information, call 443-262-8491 or email lindsay@gmail.com.