Comments on Dicamba-Resistant Soybeans

Mark VanGessel, Extension Weed Specialist;

Dicamba-resistant soybeans have been planted in the region, many without intending to spray with the low-volatility formulations of dicamba. If you have planted these soybeans and intend to spray with Xtendimax, Engenia, or Fexapan, be sure you have read and fully understand the labels; the labels are very specific. A few items to remember:

  • Refer to the various websites for most up to date tankmixes, adjuvants, nozzles, and requirements for drift aids




  • While these products have reduced drift and volatility potential, the active ingredient is the same; and if it comes in contact with susceptible plants, injury can be severe
  • As temperature increases, the risk for off-target movement also increases
  • These products will not control large weeds, labels recommend application to weeds 4 inches or less in height
  • Be a good neighbor, when in doubt leave it out