UD Insect Trapping Program Changes

Bill Cissel, Extension Agent – Integrated Pest Management; bcissel@udel.edu

For the 2017 growing season, there are several changes to our black light and pheromone trapping program. The Little Creek trapping location will no longer be serviced. Also, if you have been using the recorded phone message to access current trap catches, you will now need use our webpage to view the trap counts. We will begin trapping on May 1 for the 2017 season.

New for 2017!
We will be adding several new trapping locations. These locations are part of a pilot program and will be serviced by growers with the assistance of the IPM program. If you would like to be involved in the pilot program or if for more information, please contact Bill Cisssel: bcissel@udel.edu or 302-893-9206.

To get the current trap catch and for decision making information, go to our webpage:

On this page, you will find links with current trap catches and decision making information including action thresholds for silking stage sweet corn and processing snap beans. If you are not familiar with our trap catch webpage, I want to highlight some of the features that will allow you to compare current trap catch results with historical data. Once on the IPM – Latest Trap Counts page (http://agdev.anr.udel.edu/trap/trap.php), click on the link “Historical Interactive Graphs” at the top of the page.

This brings you to the Delaware Historical Trap Catches page where you can select a trapping location and insect/trapping method.

For example, clicking on CEW BLT (corn earworm, Black Light Trap) for Georgetown, you will get a line graph with historical trap counts from 1998-current trap catch.

If you click on each year on the right side of the graph, you can disable years to compare the current year to one that may have been a break out year, such as comparing 2010 as a year with high CEW pressure to 2016. You can also click and drag to zoom to focus on a particular trapping period.