Guess the Pest!

Bill Cissel, Extension Agent – Integrated Pest Management;

Congratulations to Ted Cordrey for identifying the damage as adult cereal leaf beetle feeding injury on wheat and for being selected to be entered into the end of season raffle for $100 not once but five times. Everyone else who guessed correctly will also have their name entered into the raffle. Click on the Guess the Pest logo below to participate in this week’s Guess the Pest!

Guess the Pest # 2

Feeding injury from adult cereal leaf beetle.

Adult cereal leaf beetle feeding injury is not a concern other than the fact that if you have adults actively feeding in your field, you will ultimately have eggs and larvae.

Cereal leaf beetle adults.

For more information on cereal leaf beetle identification, biology, damage, sampling and decision making guidelines, please click on the link to our Cereal Leaf Beetle Factsheet:

Here is a link to our 2017 Insect Control in Small Grains for chemical control options:

Guess the Pest #3

What is this disease? Think you know the answer…. Click on the “Guess the Pest” logo or go to to submit your guess.