Technical Reports
Effect of branching on shear banding in worm-like micelles (WLMs) under large amplitude oscillatory shear (LAOS)
M.A. Calabrese and N.J. Wagner (University of Delaware, Newark, USA), S.A. Rogers (University of Illinois,
Urbana, USA), L. Porcar (ILL) Calabrese-ILL-2015
ILL NEWS, Dec. 2015, p.4-6.
Advances in measuring time-resolved neutron scattering from flowing complex fluids
By S.A. Rogers, M.A. Calabrese, and N.J. Wagner
Center for Neutron Science – NIST Center for Neutron Research – Advances in Measurement
A shear cell designed to probe the velocity-velocity gradient (1-2) plane of shear in complex fluids
By A.K. Gurnon, P.D. Godfrin, N.J. Wagner, C. Lopez-Barron, A.P.R. Eberle, P. Butler, C. Gagnon, and L. Porcar
National Institute of Standards and Technology – NIST Center for Neutron Research – Advances in Measurement
Flammability Testing of Fabrics Treated with Oil-Based Shear Thickening Fluids
By Paul Nenno, Wai Chin, Eric D. Wetzel
Weapons and Materials Research Directorate, ARL, 2014
Conference Proceedings
Measurement of Needle Puncture Resistance Using an Electronic Puncture Detection System
By Richard D. Dombrowski and Norman J. Wagner
Proceedings of SAMPE, 2102
Multi-Threat Performance of Kaolin-Based Shear Thickening Fluid (STF)- Treated Fabrics
By Brian A. Rosen, Caroline H. Nam Laufer, Dennis P. Kalman, Eric D. Wetzel and Norman J. Wagner
Proceedings of SAMPE, 2007
Polymer Dispersion Based Shear Thickening Fluid-Fabrics for Protective Applications
By D.P. Kalman, J.B. Schein, J.M. Houghton, C.H.N. Laufer, E.D. Wetzel, and N.J. Wagner
Proceedings of SAMPE, 2007
Hypodermic Needle Puncture of Shear Theickening Fluid (STF)-Treated Fabrics
By J.M. Houghton, B.A. Schiffman, D.P. Kalman, E.D. Wetzel, and N.J. Wagner
Proceedings of SAMPE, 207
High Strain Rate Compression-Shear Behavior of A Shear-Thickening Fluid (STF)
By Amanda S. Lim, Bazle A. Gama, and John Gillespie Jr.
Proceedings of SAMPE, 2006
Low Velocity Ballistic Properties of Shear Thickening Fluid (STF)- Fabric Composites
By M.J. Decker, R.G. Egres, E.D. Wetzel, and N.J. Wagner
22nd International Symposium on Ballistics, 2005
Ballistic and Rheological Properties of STFs Reinforced by Short Discontinuous Fibers
By Caroline H. Nam, Matthew J. Decker, Christopher Halbach, Eric D. Wetzel and Norman J. Wagner
Proceedings of SAMPE: New Horizons for Materials and Processing Technologies, 2005
Stab Performance of Shear Thickening Fluid (STF)-Fabric Composites for Body Armor Applications
By R.G. Egres Jr., C.J. Halbach, M.J. Decker, E.D. Wetzel, and N.J. Wagner
Proceedings of SAMPE: New Horizons for Materials and Processing Technologies, 2005
Mark D. Lumsden, Jaime A. Fernandez-Baca, Matthew E. Helgeson, Ronald L. Jones, Jeffrey W. Lynn, Katharine Page, Gregory S. Smith, Matthew Tucker & Norman J. Wagner (2016) The 8th American Conference on Neutron Scattering, Neutron News, 27:4, 4-10, DOI: 10.1080/10448632.2016.1237248 Preprint: the-8th-american-conference-on-neutron-scattering
NASA/Delaware Space Grant Consortium 2015 STIMULI
Colin Cwalina, Jingsi Gao, Melisa Gordon, Rich Dombrowski NASA Research highlighted
NASA/Delaware Space Grant Consortium
By A.K. Gurnon
NASA National Space Grant College and Fellowship Program, 25th Anniversary Edition, 2013
A report on “LAOS Rheology Day”
By. R.H. Ewoldt, A.K. Gurnon, C. Lopez-Barron, G.H. McKinley, J. Swan, N.J. Wagner
Rheology Bulletin, 2012
By A.K. Gurnon, C.R. Lopez-Barron, N.J. Wagner, A.P.R. Eberle and L. Porcar
Scientific Highlights, Institut Laue-Langevin, Annual Report 2014, 52-53