OIV and Mac OSX Lion

Mac OSX LionUsers of ARTstor’s Offline Image Viewer (OIV) should be aware that it does not yet work with the newest Apple operating system, Mac OSX Lion (version 10.7). ARTstor is aware of this incompatibility and is working to fix it.

This problem occurs with every application when a new operating system is first released. The same thing happened with OIV when Apple released OSX Snow Leopard (version 10.6), and ARTstor worked quickly to solve that problem. For the time being, you may want to delay that purchase of a new Mac, make arrangements to use an older Mac instead, or even switch temporarily to using Powerpoint for your presentations.

Please feel free to get in touch with me if you need any assistance!


2 thoughts on “OIV and Mac OSX Lion

  1. Pingback: Update: OIV and Mac OSX Lion « VRC@UD

  2. Pingback: OIV and Mac OSX Mavericks | VRC@UD

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