Delaware’s Green Industry

The class lecture on Delaware’s Green Industry was presented by Tracy Wootten and Valann Budischak.  I thoroughly enjoyed this lecture due to the fact that I’ve never been lectured on this subject and I was able to learn a lot from it!  The lecture was introduced with the question of what/who is the green industry.  Wootten and Budischak then went into describing different crops such as floriculture and nursery crops.  Before learning about these crops, I had no idea what they were but Ms. Tracy and Valann did a great job with visuals and their definitions which helped me understand the difference between these two crops.  Although this industry doesn’t relate to my major both woman provided the class with great job and internship opportunities.  I wasn’t aware of the many different job opportunities that exists in this industry, I found it very fascinating.  Overall, I enjoyed learning about Delaware’s Green Industry.

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