Thoughts on The Trans-Pacific Partnership

TPP stands for Trans-Pacific Partnership and it is very controversial.  There are twelve countries bordering the Pacific Ocean that are involved in TPP including the United States.  TPP’s goal is to eliminate taxes and other trade barriers on American products to make it easier for American entrepreneurs, farmers, and small business owners to sell Made-in-America products abroad.  By increasing our trade with the other countries involved in TPP, we are bettering our relationships with other places overseas and forming allies.

One of the many problems with TPP is that it contributes to income inequality.  The higher-paid workers and owners will receive more of the income gains.  Also, people are afraid that jobs will be lost to countries involved in TPP.  There are some workers in other countries that are more willing to work for lower salaries.  Jobs will be shipped overseas and our wages in America will be lowered.  Another concern is involving the pharmaceutical industry and individuals who need medicine.  TPP will make it more difficult for people to obtain medicines affordably.  There are also threats to wildlife and the environment which is concerning.  Many people also feel like TPP was created in extreme secrecy and the negotiations were kept from the public.

The way that TPP seems is that it mostly helps big businesses and large corporations.  It does not protect the environment or help people with job stability, which are two things that are important.  The commitments to improve labor rights and environmental practices are vague and should have been worked on more in this partnership.  In the coming year with the change in power for the United States, it will be interesting to see if TPP will be supported or not.

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