Our Last Field Trip to UD’s Farm

Our last field trip was a tour of the University of Delaware’s farm on South Campus.   Scott Hopkins, the farm superintendent, showed and taught us about the farm.  We started out on the bus and drove to Webb Farm, learning about the plants and crops that were growing along the way.  He showed us where the wetlands were, the bees and bee houses, the poultry houses, and what all the different parts of land were used for.  Once we arrived at Webb Farm, we went into the Equine building.  None of the horses were in the stable because they were grazing outside.  He told us that they spend a lot of their time outside and not in their stalls.  Scott Hopkins told us about how they decided to make the walls of each stall see-through so the horses feel more comfortable and can see each other.  He also told us about how horses can stop themselves when they are going into labor, they can be very unpredictable because of this.  We also had the chance to see the sheep and lambs while on Webb Farm, along with the composting area.   We saw a newer pile and almost done pile of compost, which was steaming.

Learning about composting.
Learning about composting.

After Webb Farm, we made our way to the Dairy Farm.  We toured the milking parlor and the research area.  The feeders in the research area were specific for only one cow to eat from it.  After the Dairy Farm, we enjoyed some ice-cream at the UD Creamery!  I enjoyed getting a tour of our farm on campus and learning more about what is happening with agriculture at our school.

Our class learning about the feeders that are specific to one dairy cow in the research area.
Our class learning about the feeders that are specific to        one dairy cow.

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