Irrigation Lecture

James Adkins came in to speak to us about irrigation in farming. He began his lecture by explaining how irrigation for crops has been a vital part of agriculture since its beginning many thousands of years ago. When people first were figuring out how to farm, farmers relied solely on the flooding of the Nile. Today, farmers have many different technologies and far more reliable methods than waiting for a flood when it comes to irrigating crops. Different heads can be attached to the standard pivot irrigation systems to apply a more precise amount of water – more to the areas that need it and less to the areas that do not. Maps can be made with drones that show how the crops is doing in terms of needing more or less water. Farmers can adjust their watering applications accordingly so they do not waste any water.  With the new technology,present day farmers can be more precise with water applications and therefore have better yields of crops and more profits.

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