NSF Award Information & Technical Abstract
Award Number (FAIN): 2040503
Award Instrument: Standard Grant
Award Date: 07/14/2020
Award Period of Performance: Start Date: 08/01/2020 End Date: 07/31/2021
Project Title: RAPID: development of a local epidemiological population balance model informed by UAV and WVD data
Managing Division Abbreviation: CBET
Research and Development Award: Yes
Funding Opportunity: PD 20-1415 Particulate and Multiphase Processes
CFDA Number and Name: 47.041 Engineering Grants
Principal Investigator: Norman J Wagner | Email: wagnernj@udel.edu | Institution: University of Delaware | |
Co-Principal Investigator: Antony N Beris | Email: beris@udel.edu | Institution: University of Delaware | |
Co-Principal Investigator: Richard R Suminski | Email: suminski@udel.edu | Institution: University of Delaware |
Technical Abstract:
A multivariate population balance model applied to a college and local municipality will generate key parameters for agent-based epidemiological models. Multivariate balance modeling will be challenged with new data sets of local population density and motion for model parameter estimation using parallel tempering developed under prior and current NSF support. In addition to the usual distinctions of immune, susceptible, exposed, infected, and recoveredclasses, additional variables to consider include: age, especially relevant for University students, face-covering, inside and outside, and spatial-temporal population distributions afforded by real time updates of aerial (unmanned aerial vehicle) and ground (stationary camera augemented by wearable video devices) surveillance data. While it is common to include coarse-grained information afforded by transportation networks in large-scale epidemiology models, this project will explore opportunities afforded by social force models combined with epidemic population balance modeling. Advanced parallel tempering algorithms will be run on a GPU cluster to challenge the model with daily data streams to update parameters for epidemiological models and scenario projections. A project dashboard will be made available for policy decision making and public education. Broader impacts include computational tools that can be applied to a broad range of public health behavioral issues.