Publications & Patents

Our publications cover a wide range of topics that collectively address system optimization of multibeam, multiband sensing and communication networks. Below is an up-to-date list of our recent publications and patents. You can also track our research on our Google Scholar pages.

  1. Hannah Sinigaglio, Janusz Murakowski, Timothy Creazzo, Dennis Prather, “Angle of Arrival Detection using Photonic Integrated Circuit and Array-Beam Space Mapping,” accepted for publication, Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Phased Array Systems and Technology, Boston, MA, USA, 2024
  2. Timothy Creazzo, Chase Stine, Connor Creavin, Charles Harrity, Kevin Shreve, Fuquan Wang, Peng Yao, Janusz Murakowski, Garrett Schneider, Shouyuan Shi, Christopher Schuetz, Dennis W Prather, “Silicon Photonic Integrated Circuit Beamformer for RF Photonic Applications,” 2024 IEEE/MTT-S International Microwave Symposium – IMS 2024, Washington, DC, USA, 2024, pp. 70-73, doi: 10.1109/IMS40175.2024.10600182. 
  3. Charles Harrity, Aqib Adib Mahmud, Garrett Schneider, Timothy Creazzo, Janusz Murakowski, David Chester, Kimba Clyne, Thomas Mascitelli, Christopher Schuetz, Dennis W Prather, “Tunable Optically Fed Radiofrequency Source for Distributing Coherent High-Fidelity Signals,” 2024 IEEE/MTT-S International Microwave Symposium – IMS 2024, Washington, DC, USA, 2024, pp. 86-89, doi: 10.1109/IMS40175.2024.10600269. 
  4. S. I. Chowdhury, J. N. Mait, X.–F. Qi, S. Shi, G. Schneider, D. W. Prather, J. Murakowski, C. A. Schuetz, “Two-Dimensional Radio-Frequency Holography Using Distributed Apertures,” 2024 IEEE Conference on Computational Imaging Using Synthetic Apertures (CISA), Boulder, CO, USA, 2024, pp. 01-05, doi: 10.1109/CISA60639.2024.10576473.
  5. J. Murakowski, C. Schuetz, S. Shi, G. Schneider and D. Prather, “Distributing Coherence Among Phased Arrays,” 2024 IEEE Conference on Computational Imaging Using Synthetic Apertures (CISA), Boulder, CO, USA, 2024, pp. 01-05, doi: 10.1109/CISA60639.2024.10576520.
  6. S. Shi, F. Wang, J. Abney, Z. Aranda, G. Schneider, C. Schuetz, C. Harrity, M. Zablocki, S. Dontamsetti, R. Lawrence, and D.W. Prather, “Ultrawideband Modular RF Frontend Development for Photonically-Enabled Imaging Receiver,” Invited Paper: IEEE Microwave and Wireless Technology Letters, accepted for publication, 2024.
  7. X. Zhu, M. de Freitas, S. Shi, A. Mercante, P. Yao, F. Wang, C. Cullen, and D.W. Prather, “Ultra-Wideband Dual-Output Thin-Film Lithium Niobate Intensity Modulator,” Invited Paper: IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, in review for 2024.
  8. T. Creazzo and D.W. Prather, “Photonic Integrated Circuits: Silicon-Adjacent Devices for High Beam-Bandwidth Communication and Sensing,” Invited Paper: IEEE Comm. Soc. Technology News, November 1, 2023. [Online] Available:
  9. J. Murakowski, A. Hallak, A. Mercante, M. Zablocki, T. Creazzo, S. Shi, K. Shreve, M. Gallion, C. Creavin, C. Harrity, M. Gehl, M, Ogut, and D.W. Prather, “Ultra-Wideband RF-Photonics Technology for Microwave Spectrometry,” IEEE IGARSS International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, July 2023.
  10. D. W. Prather, S. Galli, G. J. Schneider, S. Shi, J. A. Murakowski, X.-F. Qi, C. Schuetz, “Fourier-optics based opto-electronic architectures for simultaneous multi-band, multi-beam, and wideband transmit and receive phased arrays”, IEEE Access, vol.11, pp.18082-18106, 2023.
  11. D. W. Prather, J. A. Murakowski, C. Schuetz, S. Shi, G. J. Schneider, C. Harrity, Z. D. Aranda, D. Marinucci, A. Hallak, M. Zablocki, M. Gallion, S. Dontamsetti, B. J. Goodman, J. Semmel, R. Lawrence, “Millimeter-Wave and Sub-THz Phased-Array Imaging Systems based on Electro-optic Up-conversion and Optical Beamforming”, Invited Paper: IEEE Journal of selected topics in quantum electronics, vol.29(5), 2023.
  12. D.W. Prather, C. Schuetz, T. Creazzo, and C. Stine, “Photonic Integrated Circuits in RF Beamforming for Optimized 5G/6G Wireless Communications, Invited Paper: IEEE Research and Applications of Photonics in Defense (RAPID) Conference, September 2023.
  13. W. L Beardell, J. A. Murakowski, G. J. Schneider, D. W. Prather, “Array-beamspace mapping for planar two-dimensional beam-formingIEEE Access, vol. 11, pp. 77716– 77728, July 2023.
  14. X.-F. Qi, J. A. Murakowski, G. J. Schneider, D. W. Prather, “C-RAN at millimeter wave and above: full-beamspace radio access architecture”, recipient of the Best Paper Award: 32nd Wireless and Optical Communications Conference (WOCC), 1-6, 2023.
  15. W. L. Beardell, C. J. Ryan, G. J. Schneider, J. A. Murakowski, D. W. Prather, “Microwave photonic direction-finding spectrometer”, IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 41(10), May 2023.
  16. J. Bai, Y. Shen, P. Yao, D. Chen, M. Konkol, B. Guo, X. Guo, V. Carey, J. C. Campbell, and D. W. Prather, “Thermal dissipation enhancement in flip-chip bonded uni-traveling carrier photodiodes”, Optical Letters, vol. 48(19), pp. 5157-5160, 2023.
  17. D. W. Prather, C. Creavin, T. Creazzo, C. Harrity, J. A. Murakowski, X.-F. Qi, G. J. Schneider, C. Schuetz, S. Shi, K. Shreve, F. Wang, P. Yao, “Optically upconverted, spatially coherent phased-array-antenna feed networks for beam-space MIMO in 5G cellular communications”, Invited Paper: Optical Fiber Communication Conference, W4J. 4, San Diego, March 2023.
  18. P. Yao, A. Mercante, M. Konkol, B. Shopp, P. Kelly, A. Bortle, J. Whiteson, S. Shi, D. W. Prather, “A shot noise limited balanced microwave photonic link using an LNOI modulator and a MUTC BPD”, invited paper: IEEE Research and Applications of Photonics in Defense Conference (RAPID), 2023.
  19. D.W. Prather, “Microwave and Millimeter-wave Photonic Imaging Arrays,” invited paper: IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC), November 2023.
  20. D. W. Prather, S. Shi, G. J. Schneider, X.-F. Qi, C. Schuetz, J. A. Murakowski, “Simultaneous multi-band, multi-beam, and multi-function TX/RX phased array systems”, IEEE International Symposium on Phased Array Systems & Technology (PhAST), 2022.
  21. S. P. Nelan, A. Mercante, S. Shi, P. Yao, E. Shahid, B. Shopp, C. D. Hurley, M. Zablocki, D. W. Prather, “Ultra-high extinction dual-output thin-film lithium niobate intensity modulator”, IEEE Access, vol. 10, PP. 100300-100311, 2022.
  22. S. P. Nelan, A. Mercante, S. Shi, P. Yao, E. Shahid, B. Shopp, D. W. Prather, “Integrated lithium niobate intensity modulator on a silicon handle with slow-wave electrodes”, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 34(18), pp.981-984, 2022.
  23. D. W. Prather, G. J. Schneider, S. Shi, J. A. Murakowski, C. Schuetz, and T. Creazzo, “Multifunctional, High Beam-Bandwidth Product Phased Array System,” Government Microcircuit Applications and Critical Technology GOMAC Tech, July 2022.
  24. X. Zhu, S. P. Nelan, A. Mercante, B. Shopp, P. Yao, S. Shi, D. W. Prather, “Phase modulation using a titanium dioxide strip on lithium niobate”, Optical Materials Express, vol. 12(8), pp.3296-3302, 2022.
  25. W. L. Beardell, G. J. Schneider, J. A. Murakowski, D. W. Prather, “Progress toward instantaneous microwave photonic spatial-spectral localization”, Terahertz, RF, Millimeter, and Submillimeter-Wave, Vol. 12000, pp.48-56, 2022.
  26. J. A. Murakowski, G. J. Schneider, and D. W. Prather, “Optical Processing for Phased-Array and Beamspace Mapping,” SPIE Photonics West, OPTO PW-220, January 2022.
  27. H. West and D. W. Prather, “Fiber-based arrayed waveguide grating for spectral sensing,” SPIE Photonics West, OPTO PW-220, January 2022.
  28. X. Zhu, A.J. Mercante, S. Shi, Y. Peng and D. W. Prather, “Low loss titanium dioxide strip loaded waveguide on thin-film lithium niobate at 1550nm,” SPIE Photonics West, OPTO PW-220, January 2022.
  29. V. A. Carey, M. R. Konkol, C. E. Harrity, E. L. Shahid, C. A. Schuetz, P. Yao, D. W. Prather, “W-band pulse generation using phase-locked lasers and high-power photodiode”, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 34(12), pp.645-648, 2022.
  30. P. Yin, V. A. Carey, T. Creazzo, P. Yao, M. R. Konkol, D. W. Prather, and S. Preble, “Hybrid Integration Method for III-V Photodiode Using Bi-Layer Silicon Nitride Grating Coupler,” submitted for review, Opt. Express, 2022.
  31. S. Nelan, A. Mercante, C. Hurley, S. Shi, P. Yao, B. Shopp, and D. W. Prather, “Compact thin film lithium niobate folded intensity modulator using a waveguide crossing,” Opt. Express 30, pp. 9193-9207, 2022.
  32. X. Zhu, S. Nelan, A. Mercante, S. Shi, P. Yao, B. Shopp, and D. W. Prather, “Phase modulation using titanium dioxide strip on lithium niobate,” Optical Materials Express, Vol. 12, No. 8, pp. 3296-3302, 2022.
  33. W. Beardell, B. Mazur, C. Ryan, G. J. Schneider, J. A. Murakowski and D.W. Prather, “RF-Photonic Spatial-Spectral Channelizing Receiver,” Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 40, no. 2, pp. 432-441, 2022.
  34. V. A. Carey, M. R. Konkol, C. E. Harrity, E. L. Shahid, C. A. Schuetz, P. Yao, and D. W. Prather, “W-Band Pulse Generation Using Phase-Locked Lasers and High- Power Photodiode,” IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., Vol. 34, No. 12, pp. 645-648, 2022.
  35. D. W. Prather, C. A. Schuetz, S. Shi, and G. Schneider, “RF Analog Imaging for Dual Multi-Static Radar and Radar Warning Receivers,” Military Sensing Symposia, Tri-Service Radar Symposium, July 2022.
  36. T. Gu, D. W. Prather, “Space Test of Photonic Integrated Materials and Devices,” IEEE Research and Applications of Photonics in Defense Conference (RAPID), September 2021.
  37. A. N. R. Ahmed, S. Shi, S. Nelan, A. J. Mercante, P. Yao and D. W. Prather, “Low-Voltage Modulators Using Thin-Film Lithium Niobate,” SPIE Photonics West, OPTO OE-116, January, 2020.

Patents Issued and Pending Continuing Applications

  1. C. Schuetz, J. Murakowski, G. Schneider, S. Shi and D.W. Prather, “Phased-Array Radio Frequency Receiver and Methods of Operation,” U.S. Patent Continuation Application US 2023/0420821 A1 (December 28, 2023).
  2. G. Schneider, C. Schuetz, J. Murakowski, T. Dillon, S. Shi, and D.W. Prather, “Arrays of lens-coupled single-mode optical fibers for capturing radio-frequency signals in an imaging phased-array receiver,” U.S. Patent Number 11,784,406 B2 (October 10, 2023).
  3. V. Carey, C. Harrity, E. Shahid, M. Konkol, C. Schuetz, P. Yao, D.W. Prather, “Pulsed RF Generator, Pulsed RF Transmitter and Related Methods of Operation,” U.S. Patent Continuation Application US 2023/0291167 A1 (September 14, 2023).
  4. S. Shi, D.W. Prather, J. Murakowski, and M. Konkol, “Beam steering antenna transmitter, multi-user antenna MIMO transmitter and related methods of communication,” U.S. Patent Number 11,721,896 B2 (August 8, 2023).
  5. C. Schuetz, J. Murakowski, G. Schneider, S. Shi and D.W. Prather, “Phased-Array Radio Frequency Receiver,” U.S. Patent Number 11,515,945 B2 (November 29, 2022).
  6. S. Galli, M. Kermalli, X. Qi, S. Shi, D.W. Prather, J. Murakowski, and G. Schneider, “Apparatus and Methods for Receiving Signals Using Optical Lens as a Beamformer,” U.S. Patent Continuation Application US 2022/0094374 A1 (May 26, 2022).
  7. S. Shi, D.W. Prather, J. Murakowski, and M. Konkol, “Beam Steering Antenna Transmitter, Multi-User Antenna MIOM Transmitter and Related Methods of Communication,” U.S. Patent Number 11,152,700 B2 (October 19, 20210.
  8. D.W. Prather, “Tunable optical pair source and related systems and methods,” U.S. Patent Continuation Application US 2021/0234338 A1 (July 29, 2021).
  9. D.W. Prather, “Tunable optical pair source and related systems and methods,” U.S. Patent Number US 10,965,100 B2 (March 30, 2021).
  10. S. Shi and D.W. Prather, “Modular Antenna Systems and Related Methods of Manufacture,” U.S. Patent Continuing Application US 2021/0273329 A1 (September 2, 2021).
  11. S. Shi and D.W. Prather, “Modular Antenna Systems and Related Methods of Manufacture,” U.S. Patent Number 11,031,690 B2 (June 8, 2021).
  12. S. Shi, D.W. Prather, P. Yao, and J. Murakowski, “Two-Dimensional Conformal Optically-Fed Phased Array and Methods of Manufacturing the Same,” U.S. Patent Number 10,908,499 B2 (February 2, 2021).
  13. S. Shi, J. Bai, C. Schuetz, G. Schneider, and D.W. Prather, “Optically fed antenna and optically fed antenna array,” U.S. Patent Number 11,069,974 B2 (2021).
  14. T. Dillon, C. Schuetz, and D.W. Prather, “Frequency agile microwave radiometer, hyperspectral microwave radiometer and methods of operation,” U.S. Patent Number 10,917,178 (2021).
  15. J. Murakowski, D.W. Prather, and P. Yao, “Phased-array antenna with in-plane optical feed and method of manufacture,” U.S. Patent Number 10,573,972 B2 (February 25, 2020).
  16. Y. Zhang, S. Shi, R. Martin, and D.W. Prather, “Slot coupled directional coupler and directional filters in multilayer substrates,” U.S. Patent Number 10,396,421 (2019).
  17. J. Russell, D.W. Prather, and C. Schuetz, “Systems and methods for intrusion detection using GHz beams,” U.S. Patent Number 10,055,959 (2018).
  18. C. Schuetz, J. Murakowski, G. Schneider, S. Shi, and D.W. Prather, “Phased-array radio receiver,” U.S. Patent Number 9,800,346 (2017).
  19. J. Murakowski, S. Shi, D. W. Prather,” Method of fabricating an optical grating,” U.S. Patent number 9,817,164 (2017).
  20. A. Sharkawy, D. W Prather, M. J. Zablocki,” Optical router having optical routing nodes of four bi-directional optical switches,” U.S. Patent number 9,817,296 (2017).
  21. S. Shi, J. Bai, and D.W. Prather, “Optical feed network for phased array antennas,” U.S. Patent number 9,614,280 (2017).
  22. J. Murakowski, G. Schneider, S. Shi, C. A Schuetz, Dennis W Prather, “Three-dimensional reconstruction of a millimeter-wave scene by optical up-conversion and cross-correlation detection,” U.S. Patent number 9,544,510 (2017).
  23. C. Schuetz, J. Murakowski, G. Schneider, S. Shi, Dennis W Prather, “Phased-array radio frequency receiver,” U.S. Patent number 9,525,489 (2016).
  24. A. Sharkawy, D.W. Prather, M. J. Zablocki, “Optical router using interconnected photonic crystal elements with specific lattice-hole geometry,” U.S. Patent number 9,459,404 (2016).
  25. J. Murakowski, G. Schneider, C. A. Schuetz, D. W. Prather, “Recycled carrier modulation in compound resonator configurations,” US Patent Number 9,287,990 (2016).
  26. R. D. Martin, C. A. Schuetz, D. W. Prather, T. E. Dillon, “Coherence Switching,” US Patent Number 9,297,702 (2016).
  27. D. W. Prather, G. Schneider, J. Murakowski, “High Spectral-Purity Carrier Wave Generated by Nonlinear Optical Mixing,” U.S. Patent Number 8,848,752 (2014).
  28. M. J. Zablocki, A. Sharkawy, and D.W. Prather, “Transfer method for thin film nanomembrane structures” U.S. Patent number 8,338,268 (2012).
  29. R. D. Martin, C. A. Schuetz, D. W. Prather, T. E. Dillon, “Controlling the phase of optical carriers,” US Patent Number 8,159,737 (2012).
  30. C. Schuetz, R. Martin, D. W. Prather, and T. Dillon, “Method for controlling the phase of optical carriers in millimeter wave imaging systems using optical upconversion: U.S. Patent number 7,965,435 (2011).
  31. P. Yao, D.W. Prather,” Method for making three-dimensional structures on a substrate having micron dimensions, and an article of manufacture three-dimensional objects on a substrate with micron dimensions,” U.S. Patent number 7,892,710 (2011).
  32. D.W. Prather, Z. Lu, J. Murakowski, S. Shi, G. Schneider, “Electromagnetic/optical tweezers using a full 3D negative-refraction flat lens” U.S. Patent number 7,718,953 (2010).
  33. J. Murakowski, G. Schneider, D.W. Prather” Fabrication of quantum dots embedded in three-dimensional photonic crystal lattice” U.S. Patent number 7,700,936 (2010).
  34. G. Schneider, J. Murakowski, E. Wetzel, and D.W. Prather” Zero-alignment method for tunable fabrication of three-dimensional photonic crystal by multiple-exposure laser interference using diffraction gratings patterned on a single mask” U.S. Patent number 7,704,644 (2010).
  35. Z. Lu, and D.W. Prather, “Optical coupler for coupling an optical fiber into a waveguide,” U.S. Patent number 7,428,358 (2008).
  36. D. W. Prather, A. Sharkawy, S. Shi, and R. A. Soref, “Electro-optical switching using coupled photonic crystal waveguides,” US Patent Number 7,428,348 (2008).
  37. J. Murakowski and D. W. Prather, “Method for fabricating optical devices in photonic crystal structures,” US Patent Number 7,384,724 (2008).
  38. J. Kolodzey, T. N. Adam, D. W. Prather, “Terahertz frequency band wavelength selector,” US Patent Number 7,382,032 (2008).
  39. J. R. Humphrey, J. P. Durbano, F. E. Ortiz, and D.W. Prather, “Organization of Cache Memory for Hardware Acceleration of the Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method,” U.S. Patent number 7,337,265 (2008).
  40. J. P. Durbano, J. R. Humphrey, F. E. Ortiz, D.W. Prather, and M. S. Mirotznik, “Reformulation of the Finite-Difference Time-Domain Algorithm for Hardware-Based Accelerators,” U.S. Patent number 7,340,695 (2008).
  41. J. R. Humphrey, J. P. Durbano, and D.W. Prather, “Hardware Implementation of the Pseudo-Spectral Time-Domain Method,” U.S. Patent number 7,295,939 (2007).
  42. J. P. Durbano, and D.W. Prather “Hardware-based accelerator for time-domain scientific computing,” U.S. Patent number 7,194,497 (2007).
  43. D.W. Prather, J. Murakowski, “Process for making photonic crystal circuits using an electron beam and ultraviolet lithography combination.” U.S. Patent number 7,255,804, (2007).
  44. J. Murakowski, D. Pustai, D.W. Prather, “Etchless fabrication of planar photonic crystal structures in high refractive index material.” U.S. Patent number 7,157,296 (2007).
  45. S. Lohokare and D.W. Prather, “Antimonide-based optical devices.” U.S. Patent number 7,170,096 (2007).
  46. J. Kolodzey, T. N. Adam and D.W.  Prather, “Terahertz frequency band wavelength selector.” U.S. Patent number 7,057,250 (2006).
  47. D.W. Prather and S. Lohokare, “Method for creating flip-chip conductive-polymer bumps using photolithography and polishing.” U.S. Patent number 7,109,107 (2006).
  48. G. P. Behrmann, D. W. Prather, “Fiber Bragg grating compression sensor system,” US Patent Number 7,050,662 (2006).
  49. D.W. Prather, A. S. Sharkawy, and S. Shi “Multi-channel wavelength division multiplexing using photonic crystals” U.S. Patent number 6,891,993 (2005).
  50. D.W. Prather, A. S. Sharkawy, and S. Shi “Hetero-Structure Photonic Bandgap Materials” U.S. Patent number 6,832,033, (2004).
  51. S. Shi, C. Chen, A. S. Sharkawy and D.W. Prather, “System for efficient coupling to photonic crystal waveguides” U.S. Patent number 6,782,169, (2004).
  52. J. Murakowski and D.W. Prather, “Micro-Ring Cavity Gyroscope with Magnetic Field lock-in Minimization,” U.S. Patent number 6,603,558, (2003).
  53. H. L. Levitt, E. Gill, and D.W. Prather, “Efficient Spatial Image Separator,” U.S. Patent number 6,061,135, (2000).
University of Delaware

The Center for Wireless Intelligent Systems Engineering at the University of Delaware
(UD-WiSE) is a research center within the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.

research activities

  • Fabricate Devices and Test Subsystems
  • Design and Validate Algorithms
  • Analyze and Simulate Network Performance
  • Specify, Design and Integrate Demo Platform


Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
140 Evans Hall
Newark, DE 19716
P: (302) 831-2405
F: (302) 831-4375



141 Evans Hall 
Newark, DE 19716

P: (302)-831-6699
