Meet Our Team


Our group’s speciality is the ability to use photonics to enhance the electronics. There’s certain things that all electronic systems just don’t do well, especially at higher frequencies, but light does it with ease.

Dennis Prather

Director and Co-Founder, UD WiSE

What makes our Center unique is the fact that we are combining cutting-edge photonic devices with wireless communications, which is a new technological frontier.

Xiao-Feng Qi

Executive Director and Co-Founder, UD WiSE

Our research will achieve and maintain a robust and resilient network by designing and fabricating new materials and devices for advanced RF-photonic devices and systems.

Mukti Rana

Co-Director, UD WiSE

UD engineers receive $7.2 million, four-year grant to develop the next generation of wireless communication devices

If you’ve ever sent a T9 predictive text message or owned a smartphone with 4GB of storage instead of 64GB, you’ve seen just how much 21st century communication devices have changed and how wireless technologies like smartphones have revolutionized our day-to-day lives.

Now, nearly five years since high-speed 5G (which stands for 5th generation) wireless devices and networks were first deployed, researchers are already looking toward the future of wireless and how to bring 6G (6th generation) devices and platforms from concept to reality. 

At the University of Delaware, researchers in the College of Engineering’s Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering are helping us move from 5G into 6G wireless communications with support from a $7.2 million grant from the Office of Naval Research (ONR). The team, led by Engineering Alumni Distinguished Professor Dennis Prather, Research Professor Xiao-Feng Qi and Delaware State University Professor Mukti Rana, will be developing the next generation of wireless communication devices with advanced sensing and artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities

Prather and Qi, UD-WiSE Leadership
Dennis Prather (left) and Xiao-Feng Qi are developing the next generation of wireless communication devices with advanced sensing and artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities.

Principal Faculty Members

  • Director: Dr. Dennis W. Prather, Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Delaware
  • Executive Director: Dr. Xiao-Feng Qi, Research Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Delaware
  • Co-Director: Dr. Mukti Rana, Professor of Engineering, Division of Physics, Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Sciences & Optical Science Center for Applied Research (OSCAR), Delaware State University
  • Co-Principal Investigator: Dr. Garrett Schneider, Assistant Research Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Delaware
  • Co-Principal Investigator: Dr. Shouyuan Shi, Research Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Delaware
  • Investigator: Dr. Chandra Kambhamettu, Professor, Department of Computer Science, University of Delaware
    2024 UD-WiSE Team

    UD-WiSE members

    IEEE Future Networks Forum
    2024 UD-WiSE lab
    IEEE Future Networks Forum
    UD-WiSE 2024 Lab
    University of Delaware

    The Center for Wireless Intelligent Systems Engineering at the University of Delaware
    (UD-WiSE) is a research center within the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.

    research activities

    • Fabricate Devices and Test Subsystems
    • Design and Validate Algorithms
    • Analyze and Simulate Network Performance
    • Specify, Design and Integrate Demo Platform


    Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
    140 Evans Hall
    Newark, DE 19716
    P: (302) 831-2405
    F: (302) 831-4375



    141 Evans Hall 
    Newark, DE 19716

    P: (302)-831-6699
