About the Center

The Center for Wireless Intelligent System Engineering at the University of Delaware (UD-WiSE) is co-led by Prof. Dennis Prather (Director) and Prof. Xiao-Feng Qi (Executive Director), and Prof. Mukti Rana (Co-Director), and is part of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at the University of Delaware. Our mission is to

  • Create a critical mass in RF photonic devices and systems technology for Next-Generation (NextG) wireless communication and sensing networks
  • Build a comprehensive infrastructure for the design, fabrication, integration, and characterization of RF-photonic integrated circuits (RF-PIC)
  • Leverage multidisciplinary expertise to develop new areas of research

    With state-of-the-art facility for RF-PIC fabrication and system integration, know-how in wireless signal processing algorithms and system architecture, a mmWave and sub-THz over-the-air (OTA) test bed that provides both validation of advanced signal processing algorithms and training data to AI/ML, and an intimate understanding of emerging use cases for integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) networks, UD-WiSE is well positioned to take a ‘full-stack’ approach to advancing intelligent RF-photonic technologies for NextG networks, educate next-generation of STEM workers, and engage government and industry partners for contribution to economic growth.

    UD-WiSE lab
    WiSE lab image

    The UD-WISE center is at the forefront of new technologies combining hardware, AI and systems that will address the ever-expanding demands for wireless communications capacity. Their work will have a tremendous impact on defense and security, meeting needs of communications in the age of AI, and providing equitable access to high-speed internet capabilities.

    Jamie Phillips

    Chair, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

    By collaborating with the visionaries at the University of Delaware, we can plan not just to connect Delawareans to the best networks today, but make sure Delaware is at the cutting edge of connectivity for a generation.

    Roddy Flynn

    Executive Director, Delaware Broadband Office, Delaware Department of Technology and Information (DTI)


    UD-WiSE aims to foster regional STEM education and provide real-world training.

    Department of Physics and Engineering


    UD-WiSE is a platform for research and educational collaboration between University of Delaware (UD) and Delaware State University (DSU). Dr. Mukti Rana, Professor of Physics and Engineering at DSU, is a Co-PI of the joint effort.


    Establish a joint curriculum at the undergraduate level that serve to provide a graduate student pipeline using the new ‘3+2’ program with Delaware State University (DSU)


    Foster the DelTech CC program to recruit and uniquely prepare transfer students for WiSE


    Work closely with AIM Photonics on workforce development, technical development opportunities, MPW-PDKs, Summer Academies


    Team with industry and university research groups/centers to leverage resources and broaden contribution


    Establish partnerships with private and public sector partners on solutions to real-world problems.


    Create a corporate affiliate program as a mentoring, advising, and transition body

    • Industrial R&D community involvement
    • Federal, State and Local government, e.g., C5ISR and Delaware Department of Technology and Information (DTI)
    • Establish internships for students and faculty

    Engage with industry and academic R&D forums to contribute to NextG wireless technology development


    Participate in CHIPS ACT Regional HUBS

    • Mid-Atlantic Semiconductor Consortium (MASC): U of MD and BAH, UD is lead on 2 of 5 technical areas, Sen. Coons has provided Letter of Support
    • Mid-Atlantic Semiconductor Hub (MASH): PSU lead with UD contributing
    UD WISE Engagement
    University of Delaware

    The Center for Wireless Intelligent Systems Engineering at the University of Delaware
    (UD-WiSE) is a research center within the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.

    research activities

    • Fabricate Devices and Test Subsystems
    • Design and Validate Algorithms
    • Analyze and Simulate Network Performance
    • Specify, Design and Integrate Demo Platform


    Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
    140 Evans Hall
    Newark, DE 19716
    P: (302) 831-2405
    F: (302) 831-4375
    E: ece-info@udel.edu



    141 Evans Hall 
    Newark, DE 19716

    P: (302)-831-6699

    E: emestro@udel.edu