Materials used to inform our work include:
- Final report of the Working Group on Student Course Feedback: This report was delivered in October of 2021. Its recommendations formed the basis for the charge of the ad hoc committee. Its findings also formed the basis for the initial drafts of the Teaching Quality Framework and survey instruments.
- Two documents by Stephen L. Benton and William E. Cashin were particularly influential in this report: Student Ratings of Teaching: A Summary of Research and Literature and Student Ratings of Instruction in College and University Courses. The documents formed the core of the literature review in the report.
- Best Practices in the Evaluation of Teaching by Stephen L. Benton and Suzanne Young was also important in informing this report.
- The report was also influenced by the excellent work in this area being done by colleagues at peer institutions:
- Boise State University: Implementing a Framework for Assessing Teaching Effectiveness (IFATE)
- Colorado State University: Teaching Effectiveness Framework
- University of Colorado Boulder: Teaching Quality Framework (TQF) initiative
- University of Kansas: Benchmarks for Teaching Effectiveness
- University of Massachusetts Amherst: Transforming the Evaluation of Teaching: A Study of Institutional Change (TEval)
- University of Oregon: Continuous Improvement and Evaluation of Teaching System
- University of Saskatchewan: Teaching Quality Framework
- University of Southern California: USC Excellence in Teaching Initiative
- Reframing students’ contribution to assessment and enhancement of teaching quality: The Working Group on Student Course Feedback invited Dr. Nancy Turner at the University of Saskatchewan to visit UD and share how her institution engaged in this work. This is a recording of a public talk she delivered during her visit in February 2020. She also met privately with the working group and others at UD.
- Student Ratings of Instruction: A Practical Approach to Designing, Operating, and Reporting: 2013 book by Nira Hativa