Traveling this holiday season? Here’s how to keep yourself and your information safe
Traveling this holiday season? Whether you're going over the river and through the woods or to somewhere a little more exotic, we've got a few tips to help you stay safe. 1. Goodbye Wi-Fi, hello VPN Because Wi-Fi is generally how we access the Internet...
Buying smart toys? Make smart choices
Every parent wants to make sure they give their children the best gifts for the holidays. Hello Barbie, Furbies, and other internet-connected toys are popular among kids, but they're also popular among hackers. Here are a few things to keep in mind when buying a tech...
You are a champion: How you help protect UD
Week 3 of National Cyber Security Awareness Month is all about cybersecurity on the job. Although most of us don’t have security-related titles, we all use data and technology. To cybercriminals, that means each of us is a potential target. In the last month alone,...
Cybersecurity = Job Security
Cybersecurity needs are growing, and fast. So fast, in fact, that it’s outpacing the talent pool by staggering margins—a recent report by Cybersecurity Ventures predicts there will be 3.5 million unfilled cybersecurity job openings by 2021. For many professionals,...
“President on line 1…”: CEO fraud and how we stop it
Our community recently reported a spate of phishing scams imitating University leadership—including President Dennis Assanis—and demanding everything from wire transfers to large numbers of iTunes gift cards. BEC (business email compromise, aka "CEO fraud") scams are...
3 things you can do tonight to protect your home and family
Most of us probably remember our parents advising us to look both ways before crossing the street, or to never touch a hot stove. But how many of us can recall parental guidance—or have talked to our own children—about how to secure our social media...