Club News: May 2020

Hollymount – Gia Joella, Reporter Fortunately, these difficult times did not stop Hollymount from meeting. We held an online meeting and were able to meet with our other members without meeting in person! The meeting continued as usual: we discussed our old and new business and even did an activity. During the business meeting, we […]

Club News: April 2020

Harbor Lights – Zoe Cunningham, Reporter The Harbor Lights March meeting was on March 9, 2020. To begin, we played a little soccer to get all of our energy out before the meeting and also because our club has taken on the challenge of living a little healthier this year. Every time we meet, we […]

Club News: March 2020

Hollymount – Gianna Joella, Reporter As usual, our February meeting began with singing and dancing. Once that session concluded, we began our business meeting! We discussed all of the upcoming events, like the quickly-approaching Spaghetti Dinner and Legislative Day. When our meeting concluded, Declan West gave us an informative talk about the differences between the […]

Club News: February 2020

Lord Baltimore Helping Hands – Cassidy White, Reporter Lord Baltimore Helping Hands December meeting was on December 1, 2019. The meeting started with the normal business of the pledges and previous and upcoming events. However, every December meeting is also our holiday party so we then had a great dinner where everyone brought something to […]

Club News: December 2019

Hollymount – Gianna Joella, Reporter To begin our November meeting, we continued our tradition of singing and dancing. When we concluded our physical activity, we began our business meeting. There, we discussed our past and upcoming events and contributed information about our past experiences with those events. It is always interesting to hear what our […]

Club News: November 2019

Clover Knights – Brooke Elliott & Braelyn Hellens, Club Reporters Our club is off to a very busy start!!  First, we would like to congratulate our new club officers for the 2019-20 4-H year.  They are Emma Sparpaglione-President, Ashlyn Elliott-Vice President, Kate Rohlfing-Treasurer, Abby Frost-Secretary, and Brooke Elliott and Braelyn Hellens teaming up as Club […]

Club News: October 2019

Lucky Leaf 4-H – Ashley Romanowski, Reporter Hello everyone! Our last meeting was very busy! I hope everyone had fun! The Lucky Leaf and Little Creek Clovers did a fun acorn craft to be added to the window display at the Delmar Library. We filled out the diamond clover page   We discussed project books. We […]

Club News: August 2019

Seaford Blue Jays – Ivy Genshaw, Reporter The Seaford Blue Jays have had a busy spring and are excited about summer. Our last meeting at the Seaford library was a celebration for Alyssa Thawley’s graduation. She brought in a guest speaker to teach our club about bees and honey production. In June the Shultie’s hosted […]

Club News: June/July 2019

Hollymount – Gia Joella, Reporter We began our May meeting with singing and dancing. We even played a few games! Once our activity session concluded, we began our business meeting. There, we discussed old and new business, like the upcoming Link Spring Fair. We then split into two groups and participated in two activities: making […]

Club News: May 2019

Hollymount – Gia Joella, Reporter To begin our meeting, we had another yoga session, which is something our members always seem to enjoy! Lasting for about a half-hour, members perform a wide variety of yoga poses that range in difficulty. I appreciate the way the poses can be tailored to each member; they have the […]