Delaware 4-H leaders do a tremendous job reaching our youth with Healthy Living information through project areas such as favorite foods, judging contests, animal care, outdoor activities, Food Smart Families and Health Rocks.
We thought it would be fun to share some “Grab and Go” activities with you, focused on nutrition, fitness and other aspects of health to be used as ice breakers, or lessons for your monthly club meetings. The plan is to include one “Grab and Go” each month in the newsletter.
These materials will be easy to use, inexpensive and able to be taught by either a youth or adult.
Once your club has completed six Grab and Go Lessons, have your youth complete our evaluation written for ages 8 and over. The first 300 youth who complete the evaluation will receive a 4-H Healthy Living tee shirt!
If you think your club would like to participate, please email to answer any questions, and let her know about how many youth you expect to participate from your club. Tee shirts will be available after March 15, 2016.
Enjoy our first “Grab and Go” publication! Thank you for continuing the momentum of creating a healthier Delaware through 4-H leadership!