Teens from Columbia and Ecuador coming to Delaware

Delaware 4-H has been informed by the State Department that Delaware 4-H along with our partners in Cecil County, Maryland will be hosting 27 teens/adults from Colombia and Ecuador. The teens arrive in D.C. for a 3-day orientation along with sightseeing and training at the National  4-H Center on Oct. 6, 2013. They will arrive in Delaware Oct. 9. This is another project that 4-H is conducting with the State Department to promote youth leadership and citizenship and teach youth from around the world about democracy and religious tolerance. The teens will be attending workshops most days while they are here along with trips to Philadelphia and New York. Our host family coordinator, Tracey McCracken is recruiting host families. We are looking for families with teens to host kids. There will also be several adult chaperones with the group. What an amazing cultural experience for 4-H families. If someone in your family speaks Spanish we could really use you, as there is no requirement for the kids from Ecuador and Colombia that they speak English. Next year we will be getting another group not from Colombia or Ecuador. They could be from anywhere in the world. Those 4-H families that participated in the program with Bosnia know what a wonderful experience it is. Many families are still in contact with the youth (now young adults) who they hosted in 2006-2008. You can help prepare our youth as well as youth from around the world to live and work in a global society. Let us hear from you soon before host family slots fill.