The Summer Institute on Teaching is an intensive and celebratory multi-day event that brings together educators from across the University of Delaware to build and strengthen a community around teaching and learning. The institute highlights emerging and established pedagogical practices, resources, and technology tools with an emphasis on evidence and scholarship. It also provides a showcase for the exceptional efforts and accomplishments of UD’s educators.

Session tracks

J.E.D.I. (Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion)

Leveraging Technology for Learning

Teaching Collaborations

2022 SCHEDULE | June 1

Some SIT 2022 facilitators used this Google Drive folder (UD login required) to share materials with attendees.

Session descriptions, include locations, are included below; click on the title of the session or the small plus sign on the far right of the title to see those details.

9:30AM – 10:45AM | Welcome and keynote

Best Practices from the Science of Learning: Retrieval and Spacing

Room: Purnell Hall room 115

Facilitator: Althea Need Kaminske, chair of the Psychology Department and co-director and co-founder of the Center for Attention, Learning, and Memory at St. Bonaventure University

Description: Drawing on her background as a cognitive psychologist and research into memory and learning, Althea will present a keynote address highlighting two research-proven learning strategies, retrieval and spacing.

11:00AM – 11:50AM | Morning sessions

Attention in the Classroom

Room: Purnell Hall room 116

Faciliator: Althea Need Kaminske, Psychology (St. Bonaventure University)

Description: Our keynote speaker will continue to build on the themes presented earlier in the day and her research into memory and learning.

Providing Consistent Learning Opportunities in Multi-Section Courses: The Power of Hyper-Collaborative Curriculum Development

Room: Purnell Hall room 118

Track: Teaching Collaborations

Facilitators: Dawn Berk, Anthony Mak, Diego Penta, Tammy Rossi, & Amanda Seiwell, all in UD’s Mathematical Sciences Learning Laboratory (MSLL)

Description: How can instructors guarantee consistent, high-quality learning opportunities in a multi-section course? Our answer: Employ a model, developed and tested at UD for 20 years, that engages instructors in hyper-collaborative curriculum development. Participants will understand the model’s key features, benefits, and challenges and reflect on and discuss opportunities for improving their own multi-section courses.

Cheap is Good, Free is Better: Choosing EdTech that is Cost Effective and Accessible

Room: Purnell Hall room 228

Track: Leveraging Technology for Learning

Facilitator: Eric Greska, Kinesiology and Applied Physiology

Description: Educational technology can benefit student learning, but knowing the potential and implementation can be overwhelming. By utilizing edtech that is low-cost, OER, or the University already has access to, this session will help you determine how the technology can be used to best support your students.

Identity and Research: Incorporating the Self and the Other in Student Scholarship

Room: Purnell Hall room 233A

Track: J.E.D.I. (Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion)

Facilitator: Brett Seekford, English

Description: In this interactive, discussion-oriented workshop, we will collaborate to consider strategies for personally investing students in their research while simultaneously developing scholarship designed to expand their understanding of larger social issues. This work will give instructors the tools for engaging students in questions about their identities and the role those identities play in the research process. As a result, we can help students meld notions of the self and the “Other,” showing that writing and research offer the means for enlarging the individual and making the world that much smaller.

12:00PM – 1:30PM | Lunch break | Trabant Student Center multipurpose rooms

1:30PM – 2:20PM | Afternoon sessions

You, Too, Can Bring JEDI Into Your Classroom!

Room: Purnell Hall room 116

Track: J.E.D.I. (Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion)

Facilitator: Andrea Everard, Accounting and Management Information Systems

Description: Start a conversation today with your students about JEDI! It is possible, and not that difficult, to integrate JEDI topics into the curriculum. Give me the opportunity to show you how I have been able to engage my Management Information Systems students – and how you, too, can introduce your students to JEDI, no matter what subject you teach.

Learning how Students Learn – Post-Exam Surveys

Room: Purnell Hall room 118

Track: n/a

Facilitators: Kedron Thomas, Anthropology; Bruce Hietbrink, Chemistry & Biochemistry

Description: Surveys were conducted after exams in ANTH 101, cultural anthropology, and CHEM 321/322, organic chemistry. Students were asked questions including their study habits, their self-assessment of their understanding of the material, and expectations versus performance. Discussion will compare results, lessons learned, and next steps in improving the studying and learning process for our students.

Tales From the Zero-Cost Classroom: Three UD Faculty Stories

Room: Purnell Hall room 228

Track: J.E.D.I. (Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion)

Facilitators: Meg Grotti, Library, Museums, & Press (moderator); Carla Guerron-Montero, Anthropology, Africana Studies, Women and Gender Studies, and Latin American and Iberian Studies; Victoria Finney, Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; Aditya Dutta, Animal and Food Sciences

Description: What’s it like to radically change up your teaching materials and how might that change your students’ experience of your course? Join us to hear from three faculty members who took that plunge this year. You will hear from professors working in the humanities, social sciences, and sciences. Presenters will share course context, how they approached the task, and student reactions to the change.

Introducing Honors College Undergraduate Teaching Fellows: Facilitation of Writing Skill Development

Room: Purnell Hall room 233A

Track: Teaching Collaborations

Facilitators: Deborah Lichti and Jordan Mohr, Integrated Science Learning Laboratory; Jacqueline L. Fajardo, Chemistry and Biochemistry; Jessica Tiedeken, Rabiul Rafi, and Alenka Hlousek-Radojcic, Biological Sciences

Description: The Integrated Honors Introductory Biology and General Chemistry teaching team and the Honors Teaching Fellows established a science writing skill development initiative for the first-year foundational science courses. The Fellows provide guided feedback on laboratory assignments. The panel will describe this project’s goals, implementation structure, and reflections from multiple perspectives, including faculty, preceptors, teaching fellows, teaching assistants, and undergraduate students.

2:30PM – 3:30PM | More afternoon sessions

In-person AND Online: A New Course Delivery Option

Room: Purnell Hall room 116

Track: Leveraging Technology for Learning

Facilitator: Latoya Watson, College of Arts and Sciences

Description: This session will discuss how to teach a course with in-person and online students – meeting simultaneously. Early in the pandemic, we were forced to convert our in-person courses to the online format. In preparation for a new era in education, the facilitator decided to then convert her course to an in-person AND online format. Participants will learn about (1) how this can expand access to current course offerings. (2) technology tools and challenges, and (3) activities to engage both in-person and online students.

Developing the UD Teaching Quality Framework

Room: Purnell Hall room 118

Track: n/a

Facilitators: Eric Greska, Kinesiology and Applied Physiology; Kevin R. Guidry, Center for Teaching & Assessment of Learning

Description: The University of Delaware is currently engaged in creating a broadly-accepted definition of high-quality teaching as we move toward reforming how we measure and reward teaching. As described in the October 2021 report from the Working Group on Student Course Feedback, this requires the creation and adoption of a university-wide “Teaching Quality Framework” (TQF). By attending this session, participants will gain an understanding of the current state of the development of the framework and its components. Attendees will have the opportunity to provide feedback to members of the Faculty Senate’s ad hoc committee engaged in this work, aiding in the overall development of the TQF.

Pronouns, Power & Responsibility in the Syllabus

Room: Purnell Hall room 228

Track: J.E.D.I. (Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion)

Facilitator: William Repetto, English

Description: My research has discovered that pronoun use in a syllabus can be a marker of power and responsibility both within the classroom and across an institution. In this open discussion, I will present my findings, recommend implementations, and facilitate conversation about why it’s important to pay attention to the nuances of language in a syllabus and how instructors can begin to do that work.

Experiential Learning and Community Engagement in the Classroom: How Can We Increase Both Ease and Quality?

Room: Purnell Hall room 233A

Track: Teaching Collaborations

Facilitators: Julia Bayuk, Business Administration; Ted Foltyn, Horn Entrepreneurship; Ashutosh Khandha, Biomedical Engineering; Rachel Coppola and R. Lynn Sydnor-Epps, Career Center; Stephanie Raible, Business Administration; Sue Serra, Community Engagement

Description: This session begins the cross-campus conversation about increased engagement for our students, faculty, organizations, and community partners in experiential learning opportunities. We hope participants walk away with new interdisciplinary connections across campus who have excelled (and failed) in such endeavors, new ideas they can implement into their courses, and fresh ideas from Career Services on facilitation opportunities.


Some SIT 2022 facilitators used this Google Drive folder (UD login required) to share materials with attendees.

Session descriptions are included below; click on the title of the session or the small plus sign on the far right to see those details.

9:30AM – 10:50AM | Welcome and keynote

Research to Pedagogy to Practice: Contemporary Perspectives on the Transition from High School to College

Facilitators: Liz Farley-Ripple, School of Education (moderator); Nicole Blume, Smyrna High School; Tim Jadick, Newark Charter School; David Teague, Associate in Arts; Roberta Golinkoff, School of Education

Description: How are educators and learners adapting to post-pandemic teaching and learning? What realignment of expectations is necessary in today’s environment? Hear a panel of several contemporary perspectives on student transitions to college including Delaware high school teachers and UD education faculty. Learn about your future students and some strategies you can employ as an instructor to facilitate their success without reducing the academic rigor of your curriculum.

11:00AM – 11:50AM | Morning sessions

Take Your Lecture Capture to The Next Level: Staffed Studios And Zoom-Enabled Classrooms

Track: Leveraging Technology for Learning

Facilitator: Stacy Weile, IT-Academic Technology Services

Description: You’ve used lecture capture in the past, but you may not be aware of all of the options. Studio spaces in Pearson Hall are staffed with in-person technicians and available to host your class. We can assist with recording, group/panel discussions, guest speakers, remote students live via Zoom, and much more. You’ll also learn about upcoming enhancements to existing lecture capture with UD Capture +Zoom in central classroom spaces.

Source Evaluation: Methods and Misunderstandings

Track: Teaching Collaborations

Facilitators: Maria Barefoot, Yuqiao Cao, and Lauren Wallis, Library, Museums and Press; Jennifer Follett, English; Christine Grogan, Associate in Arts Program

Description: This discussion will focus on student practices of information evaluation applied to textual and multimedia sources. Presenters will share results of a research study about source evaluation methods and misunderstandings among first-year UD students. Participants are invited to discuss challenges teaching information evaluation within their field.

Gamify Your Course!

Track: Leveraging Technology for Learning

Facilitators: Racine Lewis and Lauren Hamory, IT-Academic Technology Services; Lauren Genova, Chemistry & Biochemistry

Description: Looking to keep your students engaged and invested in your content? Explore the benefits of gamification with UD faculty & instructional designers. This session will include:
-Research regarding gamification in higher education
-Examples of games being successfully facilitated by UD instructors
-Explore & play games created using Google Apps & Poll Everywhere
-Free & easy resources to get you started on your own gamification journey

Supporting Multilingual Learners

Track: J.E.D.I. (Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion)

Facilitator: Nigel Caplan, English Language Institute

Description: This interactive workshop will explore ways in which faculty can support international students and other multilingual students as they “learn language, learn through language, and learn about language” (M.A.K. Halliday). We will discuss challenges with and solutions for reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Participants will leave with specific techniques and strategies they can implement as scaffolding for international – and indeed all – students.

Learner Agency in Assessment

Track: Leveraging Technology for Learning

Facilitator: Lillyrose Veneziano Broccia, Languages, Literatures, and Cultures

Description: With the help of Canvas Discussions, students recall and reflect on course goals, gradually build their own questions and answers about authentic material(s) within that framework, and ultimately create the foundation of their own assessment(s).

1:30PM – 2:20PM | Afternoon sessions

Making the Most Out of Your Lecture Slides

Track: Leveraging Technology for Learning

Facilitator: Lauren Hamory, IT-Academic Technology Services

Description: We have all experienced ineffective presentations and promised ourselves we would never make those same mistakes. However, when is the last time you evaluated the design and effectiveness of your lecture materials? This session will explore Baddeley and Hitch’s model of working memory, along with other fellow researchers, and how you can use this research to ensure your lectures are not only effective teaching but captivating for your student audience.

Museum Learning Across Disciplines

Track: Teaching Collaborations

Facilitators: Yuqiao Cao and Ashley Rye-Kopec, Library, Museums and Press; Meghan Biery, First Year Seminar

Description: This open discussion session will focus on the museum as an interdisciplinary resource across fields. Participants will learn about museum sessions and transferable activities and hear student and instructor feedback. Participants are invited to discuss challenges and opportunities in cross-discipline teaching and consider how to incorporate relevant, authentic museum activities.

Making the Switch: iClicker to Poll Everywhere

Track: Leveraging Technology for Learning

Facilitators: Lauren Kelley, Racine Lewis, and Jamie Summerfield, IT-Academic Technology Services

Description: This session will demonstrate the advantages and pain points for current iClicker users when switching to Poll Everywhere. Participants will take away a plan for incorporating Poll Everywhere into their courses for an improved polling experience.

Applying Learning Theories Within an Introductory Computer Science Course

Track: Teaching Collaborations

Facilitators: Teomara (Teya) Rutherford, School of Education; Austin Cory Bart, Computer & Information Sciences

Description: In this presentation Dr. Rutherford (Education) and Dr. Bart (Computer Science) present their collaboration toward understanding and improving learning, self-regulation, and motivation within an introductory computer science course. Attendees will learn how constructs from learning and motivation are measured and related to course components with an eye toward iterative improvement.

Teaching Data Evaluation and Ethics in the Information Age

Track: J.E.D.I. (Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion)

Facilitators: Daniel C. Peart and Kayla Abner, Library, Museums and Press

Description: How should students approach online information? The internet is often considered neutral and unbiased; but the content, algorithms, and data that inform web-based resources perpetuate inequity. In this workshop, attendees will learn strategies to help students navigate the online information landscape. Using these strategies, students can identify how data and algorithms reinforce racism, sexism, and other inequities. Students will be able to diversify their resources and be more critical of how they interpret, distribute, and use online information.

2:30PM – 3:20PM | More afternoon sessions

Facilitating Peer-to-Peer Discussion with AI Feedback: Packback Perks

Track: Leveraging Technology for Learning

Facilitators: Jennifer Trivedi, Anthropology and Disaster Research Center; Erin Brannick, Animal & Food Sciences

Description: Our students describe Packback as “more effective than Canvas” and note “seeing classmates produce thought-provoking questions pushes [them] to do the same.” Through the Packback platform and AI feedback tools, we have witnessed student growth in professional and personal communication, creative inquiry, critical reasoning, resource selection and sharing, and collaboration. Packback enhances class discussion and community-building while decreasing instructor grading effort.

Incorporating Undergraduate Peer Facilitators in Your Large-Enrollment Courses

Track: Teaching Collaborations

Facilitators: Stefanie DeVito and Chris Trimby, Biological Sciences; Lauren Genova, Chemistry and Biochemistry; Haritha Malladi, Civil and Environmental Engineering

Description: During this session, we will explore different types of undergraduate peer facilitators that instructors can utilize in their large-enrollment courses (≥50 students per section). We will also share tips, tricks, and models for successful implementation, based on our own experiences in our introductory STEM courses. By the end of this session, participants will be able to:
1.) Identify different ways in which undergraduate peer facilitators can help instructors accomplish their learning goals and support student success and well-being
2.) Consider how to develop student-centered course activities led by peer facilitators
3.) Create a plan for recruiting and training undergraduate peer facilitators.

Scaffolding and Supporting Research Methods Courses: Teaching with SAGE Research Methods

Track: Leveraging Technology for Learning, Teaching Collaborations

Facilitators: Jennifer Naccarelli, Women & Gender Studies; Alison Wessel, Library, Museums and Press

Description: Are you teaching a course on research methods or working with students designing a research project? Let the library help! Learn how to use videos, sample datasets, case studies, and more from the SAGE Research Methods database to supplement your instruction. Participants will learn how to identify discipline-specific content, explore methods for sharing content, and hear examples of how these resources are being used in a research methods course at UD.

Lessons Learned From The Development And Initial Testing Of A xR (Real-And-Virtual) Foundations Lab

Track: Leveraging Technology for Learning

Facilitators: Kelly Cobb and Angela Beckett, Fashion and Apparel Studies

Description: Join us for a tour and talk in UDFASH SIM LAB. The UD Cotton FASHSIM lab was developed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic when students and teachers could not be together in person. It is a mixed reality version of a traditional foundational textiles lab with the course conducted through the virtual reality platforms Mozilla Hubs and Participants will tour our second iteration lab via (accessible via desktop.)

sit 2022 FAQs

Will sessions be recorded?

To encourage open dialogue between participants and presenters, we will not record sessions. If unusual circumstances require us to record a session, we will prominently note that (a) here in the program and (b) before and during the session(s).

Are masks required on day one when we're meeting in-person?

Yes, masks are required to be worn on day one of the institute when we are meeting in-person. Current guidance from the university requires masks in “classroom settings” and the keynote and concurrent sessions will be held in classroom settings. Session facilitators may remove their masks if they are up to date with COVID-19 vaccinations and are at least 6 feet away from others.

How do I join online sessions?

The URL for each Zoom session is available in the program on the SIT website. For each session, click on the title or the “plus” sign on the far right to view the Zoom URL, track, facilitators, and description. Participants will need to sign in to the Zoom application using their UD credentials to access the session.

Who can join these sessions?

SIT is open to all educators at UD including faculty, staff, and graduate students.

Will I receive documentation of my attendance at this event?

Participants who attend the majority of the institute over both days as recorded by scanned name badges and the Zoom logs will receive a letter from the Deputy Provost for Academic Affairs certifying their attendance and commitment to teaching and learning.

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