The Summer Institute on Teaching is an intensive and celebratory multi-day event that brings together educators from across the University of Delaware to build and strengthen a community around teaching and learning. The institute highlights emerging and established pedagogical practices, resources, and technology tools with an emphasis on evidence and scholarship. It also provides a showcase for the exceptional efforts and accomplishments of UD’s educators.

SIT 2024

May 29 and 30, 2024

This summer’s institute will occur over two days:

  • Wednesday, May 29: Online via Zoom. Featuring hour-long sessions on a variety of teaching and learning topics
  • Thursday, May 30: In-person on the UD campus in Newark. Featuring extended workshops and concurrent sessions in the Harker ISE Lab. SIT will take place on the instructional side of the building. Find detailed maps of the building here.

SIT 2024 FAQs

How can I check if I'm registered for SIT 2024?

You will receive an email confirmation if you registered! Please check your email and if you don’t have one, you need to register. Note: Session presenters/facilitators should also register for SIT.

Is there a quiet room if I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed and would like to step away from the event?

Room 207 is a designated quiet room. This room will not have overhead lighting or electronics plugged in, and we will draw the shades to create a lower-light environment. Please be respectful of your colleagues who choose to use this space and do not speak loudly, or use devices without headphones.

I need to take a call/meeting or check my email during the event but I don’t want to disturb people. Where should I go?

Space 201 (the windowed space at the south end of the second floor) has been designated as a break zone. You can use this space to take care of some calls, or simply enjoy a quick view of the green space outside of the building. There are desks with partitions and plugs for charging your devices.

What is a “sandbox session?”

SIT Sandbox Sessions are built as a primer to your experience with different AI based technology tools. UD faculty and staff will be available to engage in informal peer-to-peer conversation around their use for teaching and learning across UD. The presentation of these tools is not an endorsement of them. Please note some of the tools and platforms require paid subscriptions and/or agreements to share data. Since many of the tools are not university sanctioned, we cannot offer training or ongoing support through university services. However, there will be guidance documentation with resources available that can be utilized during your continued exploration with the different tools.

These sessions are more informal, hands-on learning time. Participants are expected to bring an internet-enabled device (e.g. laptop or tablet) and walk through the use of individual tools and platforms alongside a faculty or staff facilitator. You are welcome to move between stations and sessions to make the most of your learning experience. Most session topics will be repeated throughout the day, so you’ll be able to attend several over the course of the event.


Is there parking?

You are responsible for your own parking at SIT. You can find more information about parking at the University of Delaware here:

Where is the closest lactation space?

While not designed as a lactation space, there is an all-gender/accessible restroom on the second floor of ISLL.

Others: The following spaces on campus have been designated as Lactation Rooms: 346 Hullihen Hall, 128 Perkins Student Center, 214A McDowell Hall, 207E Morris Library, and The Tower at STAR, Room 354. All rooms operate in a first-come, first-serve manner and are available when the buildings are open. Room 128 Perkins Student Center is wheelchair/scooter accessible.

What is a “Birds of a Feather Session” and how do I pick which one to attend?

Birds of a Feather sessions are informal opportunities to gather and discuss a common topic in a loosely structured format. These sessions are organized broadly by disciplinary portfolio and attendees are encouraged to select the portfolio that they feel best represents their teaching. Each session will be convened by a member of the SIT planning committee who will provide some structuring questions and help collect questions and ideas for future programming.

Will Zoom or in-person sessions be recorded?

To encourage open dialogue between participants and presenters, we will not record sessions. If unusual circumstances require us to record a session, we will prominently note that (a) here in the program and (b) before and during the session(s).

How do I join Zoom sessions on May 29?

The URL for each Zoom session will be available in the program on the SIT website. For each session, click on the title or the “plus” sign on the far right to view the Zoom URL, session type, facilitators, and description. Participants will need to sign in to the Zoom application using their UD credentials to access the session.

Who can join these sessions?

SIT is open to all educators at UD including faculty, staff, and graduate students.

Will I receive a letter of participation?

Letters of participation in SIT, for the purposes of documenting one’s teaching and learning professional development, will be available upon request. Please email Rose Muravchick ( or Charissa Powell (

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