Planning – Old School – In the Weeds

Published on: Author: sharonbr

Over the 2018 – 2019 school year, I have observed numerous teachers; some better than others and some who should consider a new career.  Basically, it comes down to planning, knowing the content,  managing the learning, making adjustments and providing feedback.  After one dynamic lesson as I left the room, the teacher said, “I know… Continue reading

Old School

Published on: Author: sharonbr

Old School   When you reach a certain age, some people begin to assume you are old school and have little or nothing to add to the education system.  I would like to contend that what I consider Old School has merit today.  Here are five Old School behaviors that are as important today as… Continue reading

Old School – In the Weeds

Published on: Author: sharonbr

The best job I ever had was as a principal.  Yes, there were lots of days when I was frustrated and overwhelmed, but most days were extremely rewarding.  Some days I had to go looking for that rewarding feeling.  A visit to kindergarten or a master teacher’s classroom always made the worst day go away. … Continue reading


Published on: Author: sharonbr

I have been in an educational setting since 1970.  I have heard that people from my generation are “old school.”  There appear to be two meanings of “old school.”  In slang, old school can refer to anything that is from an earlier era or anything that may be considered old-fashioned, outdated. The term is also… Continue reading