Advisory Board

Project GROW is advised by a board of individuals with unique perspectives, expertise, and experiences related to the project’s activities and objectives. Advisory Board members provide invaluable direction and feedback to the Project GROW Leadership Team.

Current Advisory Board members include:

Adriane Simpson | President, School Social Workers Association of Delaware

Annastasia Purinton | Associate Director, Partnership for Public Education, University of Delaware

Ann Hlabangana-Clay | Education Associate, Educator Equity and Recruitment, Delaware Department of Education

Barbara Messick | Executive Director, Champions for Children’s Mental Health

Elizabeth Farley-Ripple | Professor, School of Education; Director, Partnership for Public Education; University of Delaware

Krissy Hall | President, Delaware School Counselor Association

Leigh McLean | Associate Research Professor, School of Education and Center for Research on Education and Social Policy, University of Delaware

Michael Saylor | Director, Educator Excellence, Delaware Department of Education

Ryan Palmer | President, Delaware Association of School Psychologists

Tia Barnes | Associate Professor, Human Development and Family Sciences, University of Delaware

Yendelela L. Cuffee | Assistant Professor, Epidemiology; Associate Director of Scholarship and Research, Partnership for Healthy Communities; University of Delaware