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Selected Publications

Patkar, S. S., Tang, Y., Bisram, A. M., Zhang, T., Saven, J. G., Pochan, D. J., & Kiick, K. L. (2023). Genetic Fusion of Thermoresponsive Polypeptides with UCST‐type Behavior Mediates 1D Assembly of Coiled‐Coil Bundlemers. Angewandte Chemie, e202301331.

DeFrates, K. G., Engström, J., Sarma, N. A., Umar, A., Shin, J., Cheng, J., … & Messersmith, P. (2022). The Influence of molecular design on structure-property relationships of a supramolecular polymer prodrug. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(44), e2208593119.

Xue, L., Gong, N., Shepherd, S. J., Xiong, X., Liao, X., Han, X., … & Mitchell, M. J. (2022). Rational Design of Bisphosphonate Lipid-like Materials for mRNA Delivery to the Bone Microenvironment. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 144(22), 9926-9937

Guo, R., Sinha, N. J., Misra, R., Tang, Y., Langenstein, M., Kim, K., … & Saven, J. G. (2022). Computational Design of Homotetrameric Peptide Bundle Variants Spanning a Wide Range of Charge States. Biomacromolecules23(4), 1652-1661.

Sinha, N. J., Guo, R., Misra, R., Fagan, J., Faraone, A., Kloxin, C. J., … & Pochan, D. J. (2022). Colloid-like solution behavior of computationally designed coiled coil bundlemers. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science606, 1974-1982.

Sinha, N. J., Langenstein, M. G., Pochan, D. J., Kloxin, C. J., & Saven, J. G. (2021). Peptide Design and Self-assembly into Targeted Nanostructure and Functional Materials. Chemical Reviews121(22), 13915-13935.

Kim, K., Kloxin, C. J., Saven, J. G., & Pochan, D. J. (2021). Nanofibers produced by electrospinning of ultrarigid polymer rods made from designed peptide bundlemers. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces13(22), 26339-26351.

Lee, J. Y., Song, Y., Wessels, M. G., Jayaraman, A., Wooley, K. L., & Pochan, D. J. (2020). Hierarchical Self-Assembly of Poly (d-glucose carbonate) Amphiphilic Block Copolymers in Mixed Solvents. Macromolecules53(19), 8581-8591.

Wu, D., Sinha, N., Lee, J., Sutherland, B. P., Halaszynski, N. I., Tian, Y., … & Pochan, D. J. (2019). Polymers with controlled assembly and rigidity made with click-functional peptide bundles. Nature574(7780), 658-662.

Tian, Y., Polzer, F. B., Zhang, H. V., Kiick, K. L., Saven, J. G., & Pochan, D. J. (2018). Nanotubes, plates, and needles: pathway-dependent self-assembly of computationally designed peptides.  Biomacromolecules19(11), 4286-4298.

Worthington, P., Drake, K. M., Li, Z., Napper, A. D., Pochan, D. J., & Langhans, S. A. (2017). Beta-hairpin hydrogels as scaffolds for high-throughput drug discovery in three-dimensional cell culture. Analytical biochemistry535, 25-34.

Worthington, P., Langhans, S., & Pochan, D. (2017). β-Hairpin peptide hydrogels for package delivery. Advanced drug delivery reviews110, 127-136.

Zhang, H. V., Polzer, F., Haider, M. J., Tian, Y., Villegas, J. A., Kiick, K. L., … & Saven, J. G. (2016). Computationally designed peptides for self-assembly of nanostructured lattices. Science Advances2(9), e1600307.

Lindsey, S., Piatt, J. H., Worthington, P., Sönmez, C., Satheye, S., Schneider, J. P., … & Langhans, S. A. (2015). Beta hairpin peptide hydrogels as an injectable solid vehicle for neurotrophic growth factor delivery. Biomacromolecules16(9), 2672-2683.

Betthausen, E., Hanske, C., Müller, M., Fery, A., Schacher, F. H., Müller, A. H., & Pochan, D. J. (2014). Self-assembly of amphiphilic triblock terpolymers mediated by multifunctional organic acids: Vesicles, toroids, and (undulated) ribbons. Macromolecules47(5), 1672-1683.

Jiang, T., Xu, C., Liu, Y., Liu, Z., Wall, J. S., Zuo, X., … & Conticello, V. P. (2014). Structurally defined nanoscale sheets from self-assembly of collagen-mimetic peptides. Journal of the American Chemical Society136(11), 4300-4308.

Zhu, J., Zhang, S., Zhang, K., Wang, X., Mays, J. W., Wooley, K. L., & Pochan, D. J. (2013). Disk-cylinder and disk-sphere nanoparticles via a block copolymer blend solution construction. Nature Communications4(1), 1-7.

Zhang, S., Zou, J., Zhang, F., Elsabahy, M., Felder, S. E., Zhu, J., … & Wooley, K. L. (2012). Rapid and versatile construction of diverse and functional nanostructures derived from a polyphosphoester-based biomimetic block copolymer system. Journal of the American Chemical Society134(44), 18467-18474.

Altunbas, A., Lee, S. J., Rajasekaran, S. A., Schneider, J. P., & Pochan, D. J. (2011). Encapsulation of curcumin in self-assembling peptide hydrogels as injectable drug delivery vehicles. Biomaterials32(25), 5906-5914.

Hayward, R. C., & Pochan, D. J. (2010). Tailored assemblies of block copolymers in solution: it is all about the process. Macromolecules43(8), 3577-3584.

Yan, C., & Pochan, D. J. (2010). Rheological properties of peptide-based hydrogels for biomedical and other applications. Chemical Society Reviews39(9), 3528-3540.

Cui, H., Chen, Z., Zhong, S., Wooley, K. L., & Pochan, D. J. (2007). Block copolymer assembly via kinetic control. Science317(5838), 647-650.

Baker, C., Pradhan, A., Pakstis, L., Pochan, D. J., & Shah, S. I. (2005). Synthesis and antibacterial properties of silver nanoparticles. Journal of nanoscience and nanotechnology5(2), 244-249.

Bellomo, E. G., Wyrsta, M. D., Pakstis, L., Pochan, D. J., & Deming, T. J. (2004). Stimuli-responsive polypeptide vesicles by conformation-specific assembly. Nature materials3(4), 244-248.

Pochan, D. J., Chen, Z., Cui, H., Hales, K., Qi, K., & Wooley, K. L. (2004). Toroidal triblock copolymer assemblies. Science306(5693), 94-97.

Pochan, D. J., Schneider, J. P., Kretsinger, J., Ozbas, B., Rajagopal, K., & Haines, L. (2003). Thermally reversible hydrogels via intramolecular folding and consequent self-assembly of a de novo designed peptide. Journal of the American Chemical Society125(39), 11802-11803.

Nowak, A. P., Breedveld, V., Pakstis, L., Ozbas, B., Pine, D. J., Pochan, D., & Deming, T. J. (2002). Rapidly recovering hydrogel scaffolds from self-assembling diblock copolypeptide amphiphiles. Nature417(6887), 424-428.