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Penn State University has distributed information from fruit specialist Jim Schupp regarding how to asses fruit tree health following the recent freezing weather:  Peach Bud Survival - Compare the number of live buds to the number a fruiting lateral should carry based on the target yield per acreimage014

  1. To get a good estimate, examine about 150 to 200 flower buds per variety per block.
  2. Collect one strong fruiting lateral (pencil thick and 24 to 32 inches long) from each of two sides of 5 representative trees per block.
  3. Bring the fruiting laterals into a heated building, place them in buckets of water, and allow them to warm up.
  4. Count and record the total number of flowers and unopened buds on a branch.
  5. Examine the ovule in the center of each flower, and count the number that are healthy.
  6. Compare this number per fruiting lateral to your desired crop load. If, for example, you have 12 live flower buds on a fruiting lateral that should carry 3 peaches at harvest, then you have four times as many live flower buds as are required for a full crop.

More info can be found at:
NFG 4/7/2016

New Fact Sheet 2/25/2015 - Home Orchard Production - Apple, Pear, and Stone Fruit Disease Management - Nancy F. Gregory

Growing fruit in a backyard or home orchard can be rewarding or can be very frustrating, depending on disease and insect pests that may be present. While it is tempting to plant fruit trees and not apply chemical control measures, it is often impractical, and the resulting fruit crop may be disappointing or not result in any harvestable fruit. Various diseases affect fruit, and some are caused by fungi while some are caused by bacteria and viruses, so accurate examination and diagnosis is important. Disease development is dependent on the host, pathogen, and a suitable environment (mainly temperature and moisture). Controls may include preventative (protectant) fungicides, but availability and labels may vary for different states, and label directions must always be followed.
Fire Blight on PearImages: Fire Blight on Pear and Peach Leaf Curl
The most common tree fruits grown in home orchards are apples, pears (European and Peach Leaf CurlAsian), and stone fruits (peaches, nectarines, plums, apricots, pluots, and cherries). Apple trees are commonly affected by fire blight, apple scab, fruit rots, rusts, and powdery mildew. Fire blight is a common problem in pears. Stone fruits are affected by peach leaf curl, bacterial spot, brown rot, scab, and leaf spot.
Read the rest of the fact sheet, including recommendations at the following web site: