Weed Hotline Issue 12

Yellow nutsedge. Photo by: Steve Dewey, Utah State University, Bugwood.org.

Flowering yellow nutsedge. Photo by: Joseph LaForest, University of Georgia, Bugwood.org.

Yellow nutsedge and nutlets. Photo by: Steve Dewey, Utah State University, Bugwood.org.

Weed Hotline Issue 17

Yellow Nutsedge Plants

Yellow Nutsedge in Turf Near Drain Outlet

Yellow Nutsedge Growing Through Mulch

Yellow Nutsedge Rhizomes

Glyphosate Spot Sprayed on Yellow Nutsedge: Multiple Applications Will Be Needed

Newly Forming Tubers at the End of Rhizomes on Yellow Nutsedge (magnified 8x)

Mature Tuber From Yellow Nutsedge (magnified 8x)

Triangular Stem of Yellow Nutsedge (Magnified 8x)
All Yellow Nutsedge Pictures by Gordon Johnson, Extension Agriculture and Commercial Horticulture Agent, University of Delaware, Kent County