Cucumber mosaic virus on petunia. Photo by: Division of Plant Industry Archive, Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services,
Septoria leafspot on Rudbeckia. Photo borrowed from: and taken by Karen Rane, Plant Disease Diagnostician.
Septoria leafspot on Rudbeckia. Photo borrowed from: and taken by Karen Rane, Plant Disease Diagnostician.
Tag Archives: July
Insect Hotline Issue 14
Disease Hotline Issue 16
Insect Hotline Issue 16
Banded wing whitefly. Photo courtesy of Dr. Dave Shetlar, The Ohio State University.
Greenhouse whitefly, pupae and adults. Notice the spines coming off the pupae and adults hold wings flatter and wider on body. Photo from UC Statewide IPM project.
Silverleaf whitefly, pupae and adults. Notice lack of spines on pupae and adults hold wings closer to the body. Photo from UC Statewide IPM project.
Mulberry whitefly. Photo by: Whitney Cranshaw, Colorado State University,
Azalea whitefly. Photo by Brian Kunkel, Ornamental IPM Specialist, University of Delaware.