Insect Hotline Issue 24


Acer with die-back caused by Japanese maple scale infestations.

mix of armored

Close-up of an Acer branch with gloomy scale (dark circular raised) and Japanese maple scale (brownish is the underlying skin after waxy white has been wiped or worn away).  Japanese maple scale are also the white kind of oyster shaped insect on the branch.


Close-up of an Acer trunk heavily infested with Japanese Maple scale.

Japanese maple scale

Close-up of Japanese maple scale on a Cornus trunk.  The brownish colored insects are the same scale, but where the white waxy covering has been worn or wiped away.  All pictures were provided by:  Brian Kunkel, Ornamentals IPM Extension Specialist, University of Delaware

What’s Hot HL Issue 21

Powdery mildew. Photo by: Brian Kunkel, Ornamentals IPM Extension Specialist, University of Delaware

Japanese Maple scale on holly. Photo by: Brian Kunkel, Ornamentals IPM Extension Specialist, University of Delaware

Tuliptree/magnolia scales on magnolia. Photo by: Brian Kunkel, Ornamentals IPM Extension Specialist, University of Delaware

What’s Hot HL Issue 22

Features of Asian longhorned beetle. Photo provided by: Kenneth R. Law, USDA APHIS PPQ,

Asian longhorned beetle exit holes and egg laying scar. Photo provided by: Kenneth R. Law, USDA APHIS PPQ,

Egg laying scar on tree caused by Asian longhorned beetle. Photo provided by: Kenneth R. Law, USDA APHIS PPQ,

Asian longhorned beetle adult. Photo provided by: Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources – Forestry Archive,

Asian longhorned beetle larva in feeding gallery. Photo provided by: Steven Katovich, USDA Forest Service,

Asian longhorned beetle larva. Photo provided by: Kenneth R. Law, USDA APHIS PPQ,

Close-up of Japanese maple scale adults. Photo provided by: Central Science Laboratory, Harpenden Archive, British Crown,

Ash borer larva. Photo provided by: David Cappaert, Michigan State University,

Ash borer adult. Photo provided by: Daniel Herms, The Ohio State University,

Puss caterpillar. Photo provided by: Gerald J. Lenhard, Louiana State Univ,