What’s Hot HL Issue 13

Fall webworm damage & webbing. Photo provided by: Brian Kunkel, Ornamentals IPM Specialist, University of Delware

Hollyhock rust on upper surface of the leaf. Photo found at http://plantclinic.cornell.edu/FactSheets/hollyhockrust/hollyhockrust.htm & provided by: Dawn Dailey O’Brien, Cornell University

Hollyhock rust on underside of the leaf. Photo found at http://plantclinic.cornell.edu/FactSheets/hollyhockrust/hollyhockrust.htm & provided by: Dawn Dailey O’Brien, Cornell University

Disease Hotline Issue 15

Dried slime mold. Photo taken by: Brian Kunkel, Ornamentals IPM Specialist, University of Delaware.

Hollyhock rust on top side of leaf. Photo borrowed from: http://www.ppdl.purdue.edu/PPDL/weeklypics/4-11-05.html and taken by Dan Egel, Purdue University.

Hollyhock rust on underside of the leaf. Photo borrowed from: Photo borrowed from: http://www.ppdl.purdue.edu/PPDL/weeklypics/4-11-05.html and taken by Dan Egel, Purdue University.

Disease Hotline Issue 18

Puffball. Photo provided by: Nancy Gregory, Plant diagnostician, University of Delaware.

Peony blotch on tree peony leaves.

Hollyhock rust. Image found at the following website: http://www.plantpath.iastate.edu/pdc/node/142

Powdery mildew. Photo provided by: Mike Schomaker, Colorado State Forest Service, Bugwood.org

Giant puffball. Photo provided by: Joseph LaForest, University of Georgia, Bugwood.org

Bacterial leaf scorch distant view. Photo provided by: Edward L. Barnard, Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Bugwood.org

Bacterial leaf scorch. Photo provided by: Theodor D. Leininger, USDA Forest Service, Bugwood.org

Daylily leaf streak. Image found at http://hyg.aces.uiuc.edu/secure/subscribers/200611b.html.