New Student Checklist



You've been accepted as a Blue Hen!

Before starting your University of Delaware journey, be sure to complete the new student checklist, including setting up your UD email, registering for classes and familiarizing yourself with campus resources.

After You Submit Your Deposit

 Activate UDID and UD Email

Your UD email is the University's official communication platform. Set up your UD email account and check it often.


 Finalize Applying for Financial Aid

Complete the required To Do List items through My Finances, or file your FAFSA on the Federal Student Aid website.


 Register for and Complete Your Math Placement Assessment

Register for your math placement assessment and complete the first attempt prior to meeting with an advisor during NSO.


 Apply for Housing

Apply for housing or request to commute on the Residence Life & Housing website.


 Complete Your NSO Experience

Register for your NSO through the My Blue Hen Home portal.

  • Select an NSO date.
  • Attend a virtual Meet Your College.
  • Schedule an appointment to meet with an academic advisor.
in Trabant University Center, an Orientation Leader holds up a yellow #1 foam finger
students attending NSO talk while walking on The Green

During New Student Orientation

 Submit Your ONEcard photo

The ONEcard is your official identification while at UD. Check your email for a link to upload your photo prior to your NSO date.


 Complete International Student Documentation, if Applicable

Fill out required international student paperwork, as outlined by the International Admissions Requirements.


 Submit Test Scores and Final Transcripts*

Submit test scores and final transcripts. Learn more on the Registrar Test Credit page.


 Complete Your Health and Immunization Requirements*

Submit your required immunization records and medical information to the UD Health Portal.

Enroll or opt out of the University health insurance plan.

* A hold may be placed on your account if not completed.

After New Student Orientation

 Finalize Academic Schedule

Your final schedule will be completed in early August. Log into UDSIS to see your final schedule before classes begin.


 Solidify Your Meal Plan

Choose the meal plan option best for you; you can make changes until the end of the free drop/add period.


 Prepare for Move-In and UD Welcome Days

Check your UD email for housing information and download the UD Connect app for the UD Welcome Days schedule.


 Order Your Textbooks

Order your textbooks through the UD Barnes & Noble Bookstore.


 Complete Your Mandatory Online Education Modules*

Through Vector Solutions, complete your mandatory AlcoholEDU and Sexual Assault Prevention.


 Purchase a Parking Permit

If needed, purchase a parking permit through UD Parking Services.


 Contact Disability Support Services (DSS), if Needed

If you require accommodations, connect with DSS prior to the start of classes.


 Pay Your Bill*

Tuition and fees are due August 1, 2025. Learn more about payment options and Parent/Guardian Secure Services through Student Financial Services.


 Download Our Apps


* A hold may be placed on your account if not completed.

a student falls on a cushioned platform during games at Gameday 101, part of UD Welcome Days
students visit a table in Trabant University Center at NSO
an Orientation Leader leads an NSO group across the Green, holding a sign with a pointing finger and #6