Nari Kim │302-365-0810
Department of Geography & Spatial Science
University of Delaware
208 Pearson Hall │Newark, DE 19716


Research Interest

Older adults’ Daily Emotions │Paid Care workers’ Emotion │Visualizing Emotion Later-life Care
Ageing-in-place │ Elderly Care Justice │ Dignity │ Isolation
Bio-power │ Bio-politics │ Sovereignty – Bare life – the Camp


2017 – Current  Ph.D., Department of Geography
University of Delaware.  Advisor: Julie Klinger
Ph.D. Dissertation: In progress

2016 – 2017 May   Ph.D. student, Department of Geography
University of Tennessee. Advisor: Madhuri Sharma

2011 – 2013      MA, Department of Geography
Seoul National University. Advisor: Jungyul Sohn
MA Thesis: Residential Space Perception of Elderly welfare Housing Dwellers based on Ageism

2007 – 2011       BA, Department of Geography (Summa Cum Laude)
Sungshin Women’s University,  Advisor: Wonho Lee
BA Thesis: Multifaceted meanings of square based on the GwangHwaMun square: Stipulated rules for spatial exclusion of the visually impaired


Kim-curriculum Vitae 2021 (Updated 06.2021)

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