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Clean Hydrogen for Energy Transition

National Academy of Engineering Regional Meeting at University of Delaware and The Chemours Company

April 17, 2024
FinTech Innovation Hub, 591 Collaboration Way, Newark DE 19713
The event venue has reached capacity and registration for the Clean Hydrogen for Energy Transition symposium is now closed.

Exterior of the FinTech building at dusk.

Hydrogen holds immense promise as a clean and versatile solution to our growing energy needs. When produced through sustainable methods, hydrogen can serve as a clean and efficient energy carrier that has the potential to revolutionize various sectors, including transportation, industry, and electricity generation. This meeting will address critical challenges and opportunities in the production, storage, transportation and conversion of hydrogen for use in clean and efficient fuel cells.

Public Symposium: Clean Hydrogen for Energy Transition

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

All sessions will be in 501 FinTech Hub except as noted below.
591 Collaboration Way, Newark, DE, 19713

11 a.m. – Opening session
Chaired by Levi Thompson, Dean, UD College of Engineering

  • Opening remarks by
    • Levi Thompson, Dean of the College of Engineering, University of Delaware
    • President John L. Anderson, National Academy of Engineering
    • President Dennis Assanis, University of Delaware
  • Keynote: U.S. National Clean Hydrogen Strategy Remarks
    Sunita Satyapal, Director of Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Office, U.S. Department of Energy
  • Keynote: Growing Production Capacity in PEM Electrolysis: Learnings and Technical Accomplishments
    Kathy Ayers, Vice President, Research and Development, Nel Hydrogen

12:30 p.m. – Lunch
Brown bag lunches available outside Room 501 with additional seating area on the first floor across from Grain Exchange. 

1:30 p.m. – Presentations
Chaired by Yushan Yan, Henry Belin DuPont Chair of Chemical Engineering, University of Delaware

  • Video remarks from Senator Tom Carper
  • Opening remarks by Andy Marsh, President and CEO, Plug Power
  • Plug Power: Deploying the Clean Hydrogen Economy at Scale
    Tim Cortes, Chief Technology Officer, Plug Power
  • Hydrogen Fuel Cells for Transportation Applications
    Craig Gittelman, Engineering Group Manager – Fuel Cell Materials & Analysis, General Motors
  • Delivering Low Carbon Hydrogen at Scale: ExxonMobil’s Approach
    Dave Dankworth, Hydrogen Technology Portfolio Manager, ExxonMobil Technology and Engineering Company
  • The University of Delaware Fuel Cell Bus Program: A Platform for Research, Development, and Demonstration
    Ajay Prasad, Engineering Alumni Distinguished Professor, Co-Director, Center for Clean Hydrogen, University of Delaware

3:30 p.m. – Networking Break

3:45 p.m. – Presentations
Chaired by Tim Hopkins, Chemours Discovery Hub and Newark Area Technology Site Leader, The Chemours Company

  • Video remarks from Representative Lisa Blunt Rochester
  • Opening remarks by Gerardo Familiar, President, Advanced Performance Materials, The Chemours Company
  • Andrew Park, R&D Senior Principal Engineer, The Chemours Company
  • Barry Sharpe, Vice President of Operations, General Manager, Bloom Manufacturing Center of Delaware
  • Electrochemical Engineering for Green Hydrogen: Moving from Laboratory Research to Large-Scale Commercialization
    Yushan Yan, Henry Belin DuPont Chair, Director, Center for Clean Hydrogen, University of Delaware

5–7 p.m. – Reception and Poster Session
FinTech Open Forum (301-Staircase)

National Academy of Engineering Members Only

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

6 p.m. – Reception Hour and Dinner
Tower at STAR | Audion
100 Discovery Blvd #800, Newark, DE 19713

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

7:45 a.m. – Breakfast 
Grain Exchange
591 Collaboration Way, Newark, DE, 19713

8:15 a.m. – Tour of Chemours Discovery Hub and Bloom Energy
Guided walking tour will depart and return to FinTech Innovation Hub.
Chemours Discovery Hub, 201 Discovery Blvd, Newark, DE 19713
Bloom Energy, 200 Christina Pkwy, Newark, DE 19713

9:30 a.m. – NAE Members Business Meeting 
502 FinTech Hub
591 Collaboration Way, Newark, DE, 19713

Exterior of Chemours Discovery Hub on STAR Campus.

Symposium Sponsors

University of Delaware
National Academy of Engineers