Concept Wall, Venture Development Center
Today has changed my life. Everything I have learned today made me see things in a more focused and clear manner. I will be sharing with you my perception of everything that has happened for me to say that Wednesday the 9th of July is going to be a shift in my life.
We mostly spent our day at the Venture Development Center where we attended Entrepreneurship focused sessions. Allow me to describe first the beautiful environment we got the chance to stay in. the venture development center has such a classic yet modern design. It’s very bright and positive. I loved that they have adopted glass instead of white boards. Being there today has given me clarity and peace of mind to think through my course of actions. The place has brought out the best in me. During the sessions, I couldn’t help but think about everything that I have done in the past year and reflect on it. And the revelation was astonishing.
The Rule
I have been working so hard to pursue my dreams but what I’ve figured out today is that I have been working so hard rather than working smartly. I have been overstressing myself and wasting my energy on tasks I don’t really need just to prove to myself that I can do it. What I learned is that proving to myself is important yet I do it for a certain period of time and then move on. I can’t keep challenging myself in every tiny thing that I do. Rather than doing that, I need to focus and be committed to one task. I majored in Political Science this year along with Law just to prove to myself that I can do it and I did. I had internships throughout the year and pulled it off. I taught private lessons to undergraduate students. I took an extra course outside university on International criminal law and Procedure, was one of the highest scoring students and won a trip to Holland; a trip that I had to turn down because of my participation in MEPI. I don’t regret that at all because MEPI was what I needed. In this program I am having the chance to get all the courses that I would usually be willing to pay money to attend. If I could choose what kind of classes I would attend, they would look exactly like the schedule I receive every night and for that I am thankful to all the MEPI staff for their never-ending effort and dedication! Thank you Rachel, Dr. Tracey, Alicia, Alex, Emmanuel, Dr. Dan, Joel, Lizzy, Nikita, Shalu, Tarika and everyone else who took part in making this program successful. I am grateful for having met you because you have all made a huge impact on our future.
Today during class, several things intrigued me to the degree that I’ve reached clarity; every single piece of my past efforts fell into place. I have learnt that what I would like to be doing is called Social Entrepreneurship which is a business that seeks both personal and social gain. It is as Professor Freeman explained “The process of pursuing opportunity and producing economic and social benefits through the conception, validation and launch of new business models into the marketplace”
Dr. Freeman in the VDC
I want to help others people get a better life but the only way to do that is by leading the way and succeeding. If I’m a failure then I would never be able to impact a soul. Life has taught me that achievers get respect from the public. If people didn’t know me, they wouldn’t be really interested in listening to what I have to say or buy or take part in what I have to offer. However if I “speak the language of the person [I] want to become” then I believe that I will get a higher chance of fulfilling the goals I am after.
I am what I am after. My dreams define my character. Without them I am not alive. “Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive and then go do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” Howard Thurman.
Mira at the VDC
According to Professor Freeman “people with an entrepreneurial mindset tend to notice problems and feel compelled to solve them “. I was glad that I am blessed with an entrepreneurial mindset and the symptoms he discussed, further confirmed me.
After that our first session ended, I was certain of the project that I would like to undertake. During that session my mind has shut the previous project that I had been planning for some time and decided to go through a totally different project that I am passionate about. The reason that I didn’t think of it earlier, even though it had been in front of me the entire time, was because I lacked clarity. I was focusing more on what challenges my country faces rather than where my passion lies and it hit me like lighting.
Moving on to the next part of my day where we got to meet a young achiever the CEO of ACCLAIM Aksel Gungor, the session we shared with him added more clarity to my vision. He had a basic philosophy, it’s something like this: try – fail – try – fail – try – fail, eventually you will reach a stage where all those points would add up and you would learn from all your past failures and make something big happen. Aksel advised us to treat everything like we’re in a lab because this attitude can really help improve the outcome. Personally, that was one of the best pieces of advice I’ve ever received because we’re here in this world to experiment. Some experiments turn out to be better than others but failure doesn’t give us reasons to give up and stop fighting. Excuses were the reason why a woman didn’t get funding for her project by the investors in Shark Tank. We need to ask ourselves this: are we going to be like her giving excuses to not pushing our projects further? Or are we going to fight until we reach our goal? Now let’s consider the other woman who came up with the towels idea. After losing her house, she could’ve taken the easy road and became bitter and miserable but instead she came up with an amazing idea that was small at that moment, but she drew a plan, stuck to it and eventually made it work. Personally that is a role model. Her commitment inspires me to give the best I can.
Mira and The Egyptian Delegation
“Try so many different things and you will learn a lot:
1- Try, fail, then try again; you will learn so much along the way.
2- Follow your effort”
Priceless words. I admire the hope that Aksel has. It inspires me to believe in myself. It teaches me that it’s never too late to be the person you want to be. I admire how he perceives failure as a push forward and a lesson rather than a setback! “I have not failed, I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work“ Thomas A. Edison. It’s funny how the brightest amongst us adopt that attitude instead of a give up attitude.
And when I thought that what he said was great, he adds a greater word “effort“.
Everyone tells me to follow my passion but sometimes my passion is not what I can put most effort in. I could relate so much to what Aksel had said about being passionate about music and so on. But passion for music wouldn’t realize his project instead a constant effort to a determined cause would get us to our destination.
“I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: ‘if today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?’ and whenever the answer has been ‘no’ for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.” Steve Jobs
Today, Wednesday the 9th of July 2014, has changed my life because today I have clarity. I have a clear vision. It’s not foggy anymore, it’s clear. I will face a lot of obstacles along the way to reaching to my destination but at least a higher vision would lead and enlighten my path. It is no longer about figuring out which courses to take, which internships to undertake, which place to go to, which scholarship to apply for… rather it is about being passionate about every little thing I do, it’s about prioritizing my tasks in a way that maintains balance in my life and in my mind because I’m telling you I am calm but my mind never shuts down. It’s always about the new thought, ide,a the next thing, how to push forward.
I am a fighter, a hard worker and a passionate person: and those are the three components to my recipe of success.
We’re getting exposed to a lot of new things on this program, I ask you to open your minds and embrace the new knowledge. I’m telling you, one word could impact you forever.
I love you all and I wish you a better journey ahead.
One for all and all for one!
Mira Fayad