
Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Dr. Michelle Cirillo received her PhD from Iowa State University in 2008 after working as a high school mathematics teacher in NY for 8 years. Dr. Cirillo’s primary research interests include the teaching of disciplinary practices (e.g., mathematical proof and modeling), classroom discourse, and teachers’ use of curriculum materials. She is especially interested in the space where these three areas intersect. Her approach to research involves partnering with secondary mathematics teachers to solve problems of practice. Dr. Cirillo is currently the PI of an NSF-CAREER grant which aims to improve the teaching and learning of mathematical proof. She I also a co-PI on an IUSE Development and Implementation for Engaged Learning project that addresses secondary teacher preparation. Previously, as a co-PI on a five-year NSF Discovery Research K-12 grant, Cirillo worked with researchers from Michigan State University to design and pilot a professional development program to support secondary mathematics teachers’ facilitation of classroom discourse. In 2010, Cirillo was awarded a research fellowship from the Knowles Science Teaching Foundation to pursue a three-year study on the teaching of proof in high school geometry. Cirillo was the lead author on the article, Developing curriculum vision and coherence: Adapting curriculum to focus on authentic mathematics, which won a National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Research and Practice Outstanding Publication Award in 2010. Dr. Cirillo also served as an associate editor for the Journal for Research in Mathematics Education (2019-2020).

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