Hunt Boards: Colonial Myth and Colonial Revival Reality

At the beginning of Summer Institute, the first-year fellows were asked to choose from among thirty-odd objects in Winterthur’s collection for further study and description. Since my first visit to Winterthur a year ago, I have been fascinated by a simple piece of furniture which, luckily, was on this list. A Winterthur guide told me it was called a hunt board, but she did not know anything more about it. If I was interested, though, she would be happy to tell me all about the porcelain, silver, and glass objects on top of it!

Image: Wooden “Hunt Board” stands on square, tapering legs inside the Winterthur house. An arrangement of silver knives and knife boxes, glass cups and dishes, and a porcelain punch bowl rest on top. Object No. 1963.0687, “Hunt Board,” Bequest of Henry Francis du Pont, Winterthur Museum. 

Why could she tell me about the smaller objects but not about the hunt board? I have to admit, I thought about that hunt board often throughout the application process to Winterthur, and I was excited for the opportunity to work on it so early in my time with the program. It struck me as elegant, with its curved skirt and square tapered legs, but peculiar in its lack of any inlay, paint, or other evidence of decoration. I also thought it was the perfect height at 42 inches tall, lending it a graceful air. According to the catalog entry, it is thought to be from Virginia, made between 1775 and 1800. My curiosity piqued, I set out to find more information about this tall piece of furniture and the origin of its name.

As it turns out, the term “hunt board” originated in the early 20th century. It appears in the few documents and correspondence discussing Southern furniture from the 1920s onward, but nowhere before then. From my research I have found that these tall tables were likely called servers, sideboard tables, or slab tables in the Colonial period, but never hunt boards. So, my next question: why are they called hunt boards now?

One possible answer to this question is American collectors’ and dealers’ desire to redefine Colonial furniture and decorative objects within an alluring context. An article which appears in Magazine Antiques in 1932 relies entirely on the words of a man named Mr. Thomas from Athens, Georgia: “When the men were on a hunt the womenfolk of some one household would prepare refreshments and place them on the board, so that, at whatever hour the hunt ended, the tired horsemen found refreshment awaiting them.”[1] Fox hunting appears to have been a popular Colonial pastime in the Piedmont regions of the South, particularly in Georgia, but the connection Mr. Thomas draws between hunt boards and the gentlemanly act of hunting in this period is tenuous at best. It seems to me that these tall serving tables which we now call hunt boards were likely used in rare instances where a sideboard or shorter server was either not available or not desired.

Image: Southern Sheraton Hunt Board, Brunk Auctions, September 16, 2017. Image courtesy of

Discovering where this particular hunt board originated has been challenging to say the least. It shares elements with many similar examples spanning the Piedmont region from Virginia all the way to Georgia, from its wooden pinned construction, to its simply carved front skirt, to its lovely height. One could also make a case that it is not from 1775-1800, but rather was made after the turn of the 19th century. While it inspires many stories, such as Mr. Thomas’s in 1932, it is difficult to distinguish the romanticized tales imposed upon the hunt board from the realities of its true use in the 18th and 19th centuries.

These questions may never be fully answered, but they are still worth asking: is this object from one particular part of the South? Should we continue to call it a hunt board even if the name is intended to inspire nostalgia in the modern collector?

What do you think?

Image: Black and white image of the Winterthur “Hunt Board” without any collection pieces on top. This photograph was taken shortly after this “hunt board” came into the collection. Object No.  1963.0687, Hunt Board, Winterthur Museum. Image courtesy of the Winterthur Museum.


[1] Mary Ralls Dockstader, “Huntboards from Georgia,” Magazine Antiques, September 1932, 107.


By Katie Fitzgerald, WPAMC Class of 2019

3 responses to “Hunt Boards: Colonial Myth and Colonial Revival Reality”

  1. John tompkins says:

    very enjoyable and accurate. By the way Gene Thomas was a great picker dealer of great renown in Georgia.

  2. K Venable says:

    Native Southerner/Georgian here. I wanted to offer what I have always been told regarding hunt boards and why they are differentiated from traditional sideboards/servers.

    It is my understanding that hunt boards were considered different from servers & side boards in two ways:

    1.) A side board/server/buffet piece is generally heavier and/or with more formal details & finishes, therefore it would be used in formal indoor settings like dining rooms and breakfast rooms; whereas a hunt board is lighter so that it could be moved to areas like foyers & porches when men would be too dirty to enter the dining spaces of the home for a meal. Naturally that would lend to the notion that a hunt board was used for before/after a hunt, but could also be simply from working outside.

    2.) A true hunt board is often taller than a traditional sideboard/server/buffet piece. Yes, all are typically counter-ish height, but a hunt board would be the tallest of the species. Reason for that, as I’ve been told, is so men could stand to eat at it. A real hunt board, designed for the hunting-set, was made very long. The food would be in one location of the baord and the hunters would gather at the opposite end of the board to stand and eat.

    I have no idea if any of this is true, but it is what I have grown up knowing to be the difference between a sideboard and a hunt board.

  3. Meredith W says:

    I have a very rustic hunt board with a front drawer. I don’t think it’s original or older than 40 years old but when I bought it in S.C. I was told the same story of its origin use. It was added that one of the reasons for the tall height was so the hunting dogs, who were in the vicinity with the riders/hunters after a fox hunt, wouldn’t be able to jump up and reach the meal the hunters were enjoying. Made sense to me! Over the years I’ve had many people ask me what kind of furniture it was as they’d never encountered one either.

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